Very sad, very moving...we all love Olivia.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

My friend Eileen is unbelievable. I can not tell you how many times I confided in her at work, appreciated her wisdom, shared funny kid stories...and congratulated her on her new husband and impending child. I was sad to hear about a month ago that the baby would never survive, and that Eileen had not told very many people about that fact. She just smiled her Eileen smile and thanked them for their kind wishes. Now she shares with all of us her strength--and how she and her family chose to grieve.

I love you Eileen. And Olivia you are the most lovable baby I ever saw. Peace.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I had previously heard of this program on a blog by a woman in Texas who gave birth to a son with a congenital kidney disease. That did not stop me from being sucked into this story and bawling my eyes out.

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