Boo Boo at SEA LIFE Aquarium

Saturday, July 30, 2011

So with time on my hands and daycare on vacation I accepted the invitation of SEA LIFE Aquarium's Ms. E to explore the newly revamped aquarium.  She told us the aquarium was purchased by the corporation that owns many types of attractions around the world - Merlin Entertainment out of England.  They have over two dozen SEA LIFE Aquarium's around the world and participate in breeding programs to protect creatures like turtles and sea horses.  It's pretty amazing.

Plus?  We got to see jellyfish.  Man are they beautiful.

This is actually what the jellyfish area looks like - tubes of jellyfish for you to gaze at in a beautifully lit hall of mirrors - even Pacific Jellyfish just like in NEMO!  (Boo Boo loved that.)

You can really buy these fish...
SEA LIFE Aquarium has over 10,000 creatures as of its re-opening last March and it included the funny fish above called Shrimpfish.  Fish of this variety swim nose to the ocean floor.

I forgot my camera - and my phone was low on bars - but Boo Boo took some pretty cool pictures in Atlantis - the shark tunnel!  The shark tunnel is home to Sand Tiger Sharks, Loggerhead Turtles, Green Seat Turtles, Moonfish, and...
SAWFISH!  Boo Boo was having fun capturing pictures...

Really, she was having fun...just didn't want to be in front of the camera.

See? Goofball.
My dear friend Amy brought her charming Mr. D (photo above) to tour the SEA LIFE Aquarium with us.  He is 18 months and kept saying, "Fish, Fish, Fish!"  It was awesome.

After the private tour with Ms. E explaining all the cool fish along the way we were on our own.  We could leave or go through again!  Boo Boo and I went through one more time - determined to touch the Horseshoe Crabs in the Rockpool - but Mr. D and Amy left know, toddler!  ;)

They did miss feeding time in the shark tunnel - trust me its WICKED.

So while Boo Boo, Amy, Mr. D and I got to tour SEA LIFE Aquarium for free I would TOTALLY go back again and buy a ticket.  And be sure to talk to the helpful SEA LIFE employees while you are there - they know their stuff.

We are about to go on vacation.  So I will be posting sporadically again...I will try to pull from the archives when I had about 2 followers and share some cool old stories of Boo Boo La La.

Happy Weekend Peeps!

1 comment:

Marlene said...

I LOVE the aquarium!

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