Heath Ledger, dead in NYC

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Okay, I LOVE Heath Ledger, he has a child about the same age as Boo Boo La La...his movies rock!!!, and then tonight as I sit in the shadow of Lady Liberty I log on to my comcast account to see,

"Heath Ledger, Dead in NYC"

Why would someone so talented and with a small child to love and care for do this? I feel bad and wish that I could have stumbled on him somewhere in the city before this happend...stupid, right? What could I have done?

Since I had a child my greatest fear has become that I would not live to see her have a child of her own. Why would anyone else feel differently?

Of course they do; and no amount of celebrity diminishes that there are people who need help, but I just keep asking anyway.


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