The weekend began Friday with my hubby out working on the hot tub while the BBLL and I headed out for some shopping to prepare for the weekend.
Old Navy
Whole Foods
Then we came home and the whole fam-damily had grilled steak dinner and pretty much vegetated.
Saturday morning T-bone and J-dogg went on their annual quest to get cheap golf at Hollydale and try to beat the Lowry's at the game of all games. T-bone shot a 88! (and apparently J-dogg was charming the girls working that day...)
BBLL and I went to the Victory Park kiddie pool and got home just before the DOWNPOUR! Totally crazy...lasted about 30 minutes...thank goodness because...
We were then OFF to Rose Hill courtesy of our lovely hostess Faux Martha and her family for an evening of eating too much, drinking too much and enjoying the seemingly ENDLESS fireworks of all the entire Twin Cities metropolitan area.
YES, at Rose Hill you can see for MILES around.
It was awesome. (and I made these brownies - I am ashamed of the name of them, but they were DE-LI-CIOUS!)
Then, Sunday we leisurely packed up to head home - after a bit of a restless night in the tent, "I want LOTION on my FEETS MOM!" at about oh? 4am?
We unpacked at home and got cleaned up then went to my Auntie Becky's for my Uncle Jeff's birthday - he is 60...happy birthday to you! Got to see all my cousin's and it was FUN.
Then BBLL took off with my mom - daycare is closed this week.
and do NOT think the fun is over. TWO DAYS KIDLESS? Then TWO FUN FILLED DAYS WITH BBLL???
it is the summer of fun, or george. i forget.
Sounds like everyone had a great time for the holiday. How soon the good times end, and back to reality and jobs. :)
That might just be the very sweetest picture on the planet.
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