I accidentally hit the stop on the new treadmill at the Y - AGAIN! The new ones have stop is such a BAD place, they really are horrible machines.
Other stuff ticks me off that I am not yet ready to go into, but then I get to my office building and ...

Resume your day - mine will get better.
I hope.
I hate people who speed through the parking garages... like there aren't other people walking to get to their cars!!
you made me laugh this morning, and for that I thank you.
Dontcha hate idiots on elevators... I so feel ya
Someone needs a drink....
ha...your humor rocks;)
Princess - there is always time for a cocktail, idiots or no idiots!
Thanks Steven!
LOL!! love it!
i'll have a drink with ya
and elevator.. just fart like my husband does and watch the seas part.
Hope your day got better!
It's not the ramps for me- it's a certain stretch of highway where at least 4 police cars hang out within 2 miles...I always laugh at the cars speeding, knowing they will probably get busted.
I think we should carry the post it notes with us so we can jot them down and stick it to them...
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