This is Boo Boo La La the morning after Halloween.
She looks like she is getting to be such a big girl doesn't she?
But, that is the point - looks can be deceiving. She is still just my little baby. I see the baby on her face when she is sleeping. It makes me want to pick her up and cuddle her like I used to when she fit snugly in my arms.
now when I pick her up her legs hang down practically to my knees
I do not want her to grow up too fast - I say to her all the time,
"Will you live with Mama forever?"
"Yes Mama - I live you forever n' ever. And when I am big and you are the baby I will take you to Jackie's house for daycare."
"That sounds nice."
I know she won't live with me forever, at least I hope we do not end up like Big Eddie and Little Eddie.
But this morning I found something in her backpack that made me want to cry.
she's too little to go on a bus without mama...am I wrong to not want her to go?
Our daycare lady agrees with me - and the field trip is on a day we typically do not go to pre-school - but, am I wrong?
Will she actually be missing out if I don't let her go?
She's so adorable?
Where is the field trip? What's the student/teacher ratio? Does she generally listen and stay with adults or is she a runner?
My oldest went on his first field trip when he was 3 1/2- it was actually part of the day camp that I sent him to...yes, I sent a 3 year old to a camp in the woods for 4 hours a day for 2 weeks. And then let him go on the bus on a field trip.
Yikes, I think I must be crazy.
But, I think it's b/c he's my oldest, so in comparison to the other two, he seems so much older.
Either way, it's fine!
See that is part of it - they do not say. It is a very small pre-school at a lutheran church.
The part that scares me is "The Bus" - I mean they do not have seat belts on those things! And I still see images of those kids being hoisted out of the bus when the 35W bridge collapsed.
Ugh. What is wrong with me?
Oh she is darling, I feel the same way with my girls, and tell them all the time, stay with me forever.
I love her picture shes darling.
.•:*¨¨*:•.Blessings*¨2 U 4¨**¨¨*the holidays .•:*¨¨*:•.
I dont have kids of my own, just pets...but I get the whole grey gardens thing, that could be scary....scary I tell ya;)
They grow up way too fast, but even when they are older they are still our babies! Sneak in an extra snuggle here and there and remind yourself that these are the moments to treasure!
she looks very cute and sassy. just like suri.
No, she's not missing out. Field trips at that young age are a waste of time. Our kindergarten program used to take the kids to downtown St. Paul to the Children's Museum, which I knew from experience was crowded, noisy, and a lesson in crowd control only. I kept my twins home that day and never regretted it.
I still see my babies and mine are 15, 15, and 10
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