This is Boo Boo at her best bud Mr. S's backyard, Batman, birthday party!
Miss Boo Boo was invited to the birthday party of one of her pre-k and daycare buddies Mr. S. They have been together since they were about 6 and 11 months - she is older. It was his fourth birthday and Mr. S is obsessed with... 

(Mr. S's mom and I worked together, she said - "He has been obsessed with Batman
for quite some time. When will it be over? - ummm, my brother has a Batman ROOM in his house. He is 38.)
I digress.
The cake arrived shortly after I came to pick-up my soaking wet little girl...water gun fight! It was a cupcake Batman scene purchased at Target - with the most un-holy color of blue frosting. Boo Boo La La went CRAZY for it as you see above...I said, "You look like you belong in Avatar
!" and the party-goer's laughed, at least the grown-up attendees. We went inside and cleaned up, without getting any blue in Mr. S's Mom's WHITE bathroom!
I thought nothing of the cupcake until Sunday morning when Boo Boo La La, once again, called me in to look at her poop! It was turquoise.
Apparently blue frosting + brown poo = turquoise
Enjoy your Saturday BBQ!!!
Thanks for not showing a picture of it, that's one visual I didn't really need! lol
Sounds like she had a lot of fun!
ahahaha! I want turquoise poop, sounds so much better than brown poop!
She looks like she was having fun!
And, um, yeah, my husband has a spiderman, no, they never grow out of it!
WHOA! That is BLUE! Otter has been into Batman lately and I've actually been letting him watch the movies. Mother of the year.
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