What have I been looking for?

Saturday, October 29, 2011

This week's prompts: 

2.) Write about the last item you looked for. Why did you need it?

Mama Kat posed the question this week - 

In case you didn't know...I am looking for a job.

Why?  Because I lost the last one and unlike some people - we both need to work.  Plus, I like to work and am not sure I could totally be a stay at home mom.  I really admire those who can do that - the mom's who do crafts all the time with their kids - take them tirelessly to the park - bake, cook, and play with their kids.  

I have one and she sometimes exhausts me.

I have loved the last three months for the time to go to the zoo, the apple orchard, school field trips, cooking dinner, doing crafts, just LAYING there and reading books with @IamBooBooLaLa - but it has been very stressful to try and balance being here with her and looking for work.  

Sometimes I feel like the online searching, the endless applications and the interviewing are not worth the fact I have to plop her in front of the television or the Wii, or haul my dad out of the house to get her on the bus.  

So I have a few tips for those of you who have friends in my situation.  

Do: Offer to help watch my daughter if I am in a bind - I may never ask, but its nice to hear.

Do: Send links to jobs or make suggestions.  Even if they don't "quite" fit I know you are thinking of me.

Don't: Worry if I get teary or quiet.  Its A LOT to think about every day. 

And if I don't blog please know it's not because I don't have anything to say - it is because I am SICK of being online after all those applications that require you to; copy and paste your resume, fill in all the details of your resume over the next four pages, then upload your resume and edit all the details that didn't quite parse out correctly over the next three pages.  



sprinkles said...

I get it, girl! Been there, done that and even wear the t-shirt on occasion.

I feel for you -- submitting application and application only to never hear back. And when you call them, you have to leave a message which no one ever bothers to return. After awhile, I didn't even bother to follow up unless it was a job I REALLY wanted.

Do you check indeed.com? You can even have them send you a daily list of jobs in your area. The great thing about Indeed is that it saves you from having to check out all the other job sites because it combines open positions from a number or different sites. I still checked the other sites occasionally but I checked Indeed daily as well as the local job service listings online.

Good luck and I'm here for ya.

Cathy said...

Jordan is looking for a new job and he says that same thing about the online applications. Filling out one takes forever! I wish you luck....it's got to be hard.

Raising Z and Lil C said...

I am sooooo sorry you are going through this rough time right now. My thoughts are with you and I hope that you are able to find work soon. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason (I know you probably hate hearing that) and maybe this time was needed for you to recharge your batteries, start fresh while getting some extra special time with Boo. Hang in there, I am sure something will come along soon!!!

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