That would be quite the shopping trip...

Saturday, September 29, 2012

I woke Boo Boo up to get some breakfast in her and get ready for soccer - she crawled into bed with me to watch Guy's Big Bite while she thinks.

"So what do you want for breakfast?  Maybe a nice roast beef like Guy is making?"

What?  That would take FOREVER Mama!

"Yeah, and I would have to go to the store to buy a roast that wasn't frozen."

Uh! And if they didn't have one you would have to go ALL THE WAY TO CHINA to get one.

*I start laughing

Yeah, I know.  I am funny.


The Kissing Hand - Audrey Penn

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Going through the backpack with Boo Boo La La is the highlight of my day - usually. 

So I was excited for the First Day of First Grade and seeing what wonders the new backpack would hold...let's look at the new "backpack".

I opened the backpack, found the folder and inside was this piece of paper.  

I asked Boo Boo La La to explain to me what the picture was for and this is the story she told me.

Do you see that heart?  That is where the Mommy kissed the hand and then you could hold your hand by your check like this ( ) and feel your Mommy with you all day.  Do you think we should try that?  But I want to kiss your hand too.  Then you can put your hand by your cheek and think about me.  Okay?

I welled.  Tears.

Then later she showed it to T-bone and told him that he should get a "Kissing Hand" kiss too.  So he remembers her while he is at work.  "Mwah!"

She loves to say "Mwah!" with gusto.

Do your schools read such sweet tales to the children?

First Day of School

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I got up early and went to the YMCA - I look up and what do I see???

Male enhancement infomercial to the left of me - Dr. Phil to the right.  Good thing I have Pandora on my phone.

I got home and showered - kind of a pit in my tummy over the fact MY BABY is going to FIRST GRADE.  I mean, didn't she just learn how to walk?

After my shower I am walking around in the semi-darkness and WHAT IS THAT???  Oh, okay its just my child standing there quietly wearing her monster ear-flap hat.  Yes, Boo Boo was standing there perfectly still and quiet in the dark wearing this hat - FREAKED me out.  However I was able to compose myself and asked her what she wanted for breakfast.  I made cinnamon toast and cut her up a banana.  She was apparently ready to head to the bus at 6:28 am, never mind that it does not pick her up until 8:55 at daycare.

After we got dressed - this is what we had.

Mom, it's my "Hello Kitty" theme day.
After I dropped her off I had to head into school.  PTO duty called - I had to fill out and hang the fundraising posters - ummm, where exactly?  School still looks like this...

Well...not exactly like this, but the construction continues - workmen everywhere and the school was about 90 degrees at 7:40am.  But everyone was there and in cheerful moods.

Making the best of things.

At 9:20 I looked at the clock and almost cried.  Baby is in First Grade officially!

But I was busy - busy - busy at work.  It was month-end and I had a lot to do.

Call on my way home and my husband needs me to drive him to work to pick up his vehicle after dinner.  Great, I need to get gas - Holiday is close to his work - that makes it simple.  

I tried to talk to Boo Boo about her first day - we got through her backpack and it sort of went downhill from there as the Boo was a tired little girl.  Lots of learnin' will do that to you.  She started focusing on the negatives, she couldn't find her room at first and her eyes got all "watery" and there is only ONE girl she knows in her class.  I told her what a big girl she was to find her way by asking and reminded her that she really likes Joshua, he is in your class - you like Joshua, right?

And you know, T-bone made spaghetti, cuz that is Boo Boo's favorite lately.  That made her happy.

All in all - a successful First Day of First Grade.

How were things for your little one?

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