Fabulous Cousins–and Grandparents.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Boo Boo La La is enormously lucky to have a cousin who loves to make mischief with her.  Our Miss N can hold her own!!!

The pair of them are EXTRA FABULOUSLY LUCKY to have a Grandma and Grandpa who think of things like

Taking them to a huge candy and soda store…
gumball (2)
Taking them to movies, apple orchards, parks, and huge gardens FULL of Gophers!

I mean…they do it all including jewelry design.
 Who do you know that is that FABULOUS? Link up and tell me!

The Fun Sisters

Thursday, August 22, 2013

This Week's Writing Prompts for Thursday 08/22

3.) Open your picture folders, close your eyes and pick a random photo to share and write about.
My daughters - The FUN Sisters at Pequot Lakes Fun Sisters Boutique

See those CRAZY girls?  That is Boo Boo & Sair from last summer when we HIT "The Fun Sisters" in Pequot Lakes, MN.  No, I didn't let Boo Boo get daquiri goggles.  I am not THAT bad of a mother. 

The Fun Sisters is the one place we NEVER EVER EVER EVER miss when we go up north for our week at Breezy Point.  Last year I don't think we bought that much, but we sure had fun.  They even give you a "Glitter Makeover" if you ask and pay the fifty cents. 

A dollar for two colors of glitter.  

If you are fancy like that. 

We have gotten some pretty crazy stuff here - sparkle flip flops, "scarf" flip flops, rings, hair extensions, FAUX-Yurman, FAUX-Tiffany, and purses and ponies and sunglasses...OH MY! Boo Boo got a GLITTER TATOO kit this year.  She glittered EVERYONE for "Max Power" she said. 

I know one day Sair won't be with us at The Fun Sisters.  Then it will just be Boo and Me. 

I have to remember to treasure these trips. 

Just a little #Nibbler from @Crystal_Farms

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

I got an email asking if my family and I might like to try a new treat from Crystal Farms Cheese.

Sure!  We love cheese.

What arrived were these...

Nibblers in Smokey BBQ, Chipotle Pepper, Habanero, and Sour Cream & Onion

The gang was all here.

I of COURSE needed to try the Chipotle and Habanero first.  Love the spicy!

Boo Boo tried Sour Cream & Onion - T-bone the Smokey BBQ

And then we just opened the ones that were left for everyone else on vacation.

What a neat, tasty and fun treat to put in your lunch, take on a long car ride, or just watching your favorite movie.

I had never heard Nibblers before Crystal Farms reached out to me, but since I have seen this treat at grocery stores from Pequot Lakes to Crystal, MN and many convenience stores in between.  It is an affordable 99 cents (the price I saw them for where I looked) and a way better treat for your family than that candy bar or donut you would normally buy. Why not try them out the next time you are on the road or packing that school lunch?

While these Nibblers treats were provided to my family free of charge - the opinion on Nibblers is mine alone.  

What is the most FABULOUS thing on Earth?

Friday, August 9, 2013

What is the most FABULOUS thing on earth? 

A latte.

Yes, a latte.

I do not drink soda anymore.  I quit much like I quit plastic bags when I found their were scores of them under my bathroom sink.

Cold turkey.

So.  I indulge a few days a week in a large skim milk latte.

Even better?  When my husband goes out to get the latte for me.  

How about you?  What little thing makes your day?  Puts a smile on YOUR fabulous face? 

What makes August Fabulous for Me?

Friday, August 2, 2013

Every August we go someplace very very special.

Breezy Point!

Why is it so FABULOUS?

Swimming in the lake
Swimming one of three pools
Boating from lake to lake, island to island
Sleeping in
Waking up to a view of the lake
Going to sleep to the sounds of loons - or Elvis

I write about our vacation to Breezy Point every year. It is something that our whole family looks forward to doing and being. We relax, we let it all out, we get tan and we be us.

This is the ESSENCE of Fabulous Friday - now it is your turn.

Give me your Fabulous Friday - save the image of

As I have NOT figured out how to make a button grab yet.  And enter your post.

PLEASE if you do enter a post - be polite and visit other posts and comment.  Say something nice and not just "Cool - Came from Mommy's Nest", you know you do not like it when folks do that to you!  Say something like - "Wow, your day was FABULOUS! I am glad I stopped by to visit." or something else original, okay?  I love you guys and I know we can get FABULOUS together.  

We all DESERVE it. 

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