Business Travel - Or, Maybe I am too old for this sh.....

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Last week before I left for a business trip I thought of reposting this from June 2011, but I hate to speak of the dark days of when I had a job that made me cry when someone asked, "And what do you do?"

Really. I would cry. Hated that job.

So - what I decided to do was take a few pictures and tell you ...

What I learned flying Sun Country to Boston and Back

  1. Lake Michigan was still full of ice!

  2. Boston looks cool from way up above.
  3. Guys from Canada really do talk like that - even if they are the VP!
  4. Saying "Wicked Pissa" will make people laugh when they know you really well.
  5. My niece was born while I was in another time zone. 
  6. Terminal E does not have the best food options. Burrito Elito? Eeek.
  7. Minneapolis looks cool at night.
  8. Don't answer your work phone on Friday at 11:30am when you are trying to leave early and you do not recognize the number.
  9. My child rocks at choosing floral arrangements.
  10. It is SO good to be home. 

Enjoy your Saturday Peeps

1 comment:

Slamdunk said...

Welcome back home Lisa. Glad you had an eventful trip (minus the burrito encounter).

The Mrs. took older boy and her father to Boston a few weeks ago for a business trip. They had fun and even enjoyed a Celtics game.

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