TRY to live more green for the earth, and children of the future like my Boo Boo La La.
So? How do I plan to do this???
Well - the first thing I did was my Envirosax...You don't want to hear me talk about them again do you??? Nah.
Then I gave up coffee - because it seemed to me that tea was more environmentally friendly to produce - THEN, I gave up soda and so now I don't use many cans/bottles because I have my reusable tea mug and water bottle.
NEXT - Dryer balls. Yes, Dryer Balls. I have seen them priced from $9.99 infomercial style to $20!!! At Target.com.
These I purchased at Babies R Us a few months ago and the clothes actually seem softer...YES, with NO OTHER FABRIC SOFTENER. And $14.99 plus tax, over 1000 loads per set...I will use them for over 3 years before they tell me I need to replace them - figuring 6 loads per week for our family of 5.
Compare that to Bounce which I notice is outrageously priced these days and these babies are quite the bargain too. (Yes, yes, bargain brands...most make me itchy, except Snuggle, but still it is like $5 for 80!)
Plus, the kitty loves them- so they can be his toys when I replace them in a few years. 

And if I had known about it beforehand, I could have saved Fifty Cents! But, you can by using this link...
Something tells me you could make a wicked Halloween costume with a leotard and a pair of those dryer balls.
OMG - must.not.tell.husband. He has been known to create things like that! ;)
I totally need to try those dryer balls- I hate most fabric softeners, but they're a necessary evil.
And I love Kirby's idea.
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