and while that is fine and good and all...I am taking licencse with this prompt.
I mean, COME ON, they are my dreams, right? (and I think Liz would approve this one.)
This is what happend last night. I fell asleep watching Throwdown with Bobby Flay. (he is one of my obsessions!) I mean, what woman in her right mind does not want to get "Thrown Down" by Bobby Flay? Let's take a look....

Handsome, non?
In this dream I was working for Bobby and we were in my kitchen. He was lamenting his latest divorce and I was thinking, "Kiss me DAMMIT!" and all of a sudden we were! And in my dream Bobby Flay is the best kisser on earth and tastes vaguely of cinnamon...and as I am enjoying this lip lock I hear...
and another child saying, "NO, shhhhh!"
I round the corner and my daughter and step-daughter are in the bathroom doing the daughter's hair.
but, something else is going on...
The step-daughter is wearing a slutty shirt and hiding A BOY in our home and its 7:30am??!!?? Why is this boy in my HOME??? And as I am about to go tell my husband, YES I REALIZE I WAS MAKING OUT WITH BOBBY FLAY IN MY KITCHEN, but this is MY DREAM okay???
So, my deal breaker is THIS, BOBBY FLAY! Next time you decide to kiss me, do it in YOUR kitchen. Not mine.
I don't even want to think about boys and my daughters!!! Yikes!!! Keep them 10 and 6 forever!!!!!
roflmbooooooo myhubby who was not my hubby at tthe time had a dream aobut our wedding where my son pulled on is pants leg mid ceremony and asked to go potty. We laughed and laughed until the entire dream came true right down to what was said and teh whole 9yards lol.Not saying yours will come true at all, just that his did and it was funny but that that wouldn't be funny that would be child beating time lol
He probably has a bigger kitchen anyway. More room to....kiss.
Yes definitely his kitchen next time!
Ugh! Don't remind me that girls have to grow up! Can I keep mine 8 forever?
or other things
mwaaa hahahah
WEIRD DREAM! AS long as it's not that mario vitalli??
orange crocs
weird dream indeed, and I hope you didn't mean a TV kitchen...cameras
Yes Miss Candy and Evonne - I wish too! Sair was 8 when T-bone and I got married...she is 17 now, but there is NO REASON ON EARTH I would expect that behavior out of her. At least I think not! :)
Yes ladies his kitchen for sure, but not the one with cameras!
Supah! I love Mario - ever since Molto Mario on Food Network. But, not in THAT way. LOL!
lmao....Bobby divorce allot? this was way funny;) cinnomon, hahha
Loved this.
And yes, Bobby should take you to his kitchen next time.
Oh Bobby Flay...I do think he is purty to look at!!
Bwahahahaha. That's hilarious.
Stopping by from Supah's.
Such a fun take on the "Dealbreaker" idea! I'm always having crazy dreams and internalizing them a tag-bit-too-much.
I've never thought of Bobby Flay as a sex symbol, but then again, any man who can cook like that is definitely appealing!
Confessions From A Working Mom
oh for the love of pete
Bobby Flay is a Cutie!
MMMMM let's get cookin!!!
That was freakin hilarious :) I hate it when I wake up at the good parts like that!!!!
SO funny! I think he's a hottie too :)
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