Follow the link to read the rules...or continue breaking the law!
My story comes from when I was in my late-twenties. I remember the day because it was the day of the infamous OJ slow-speed-chase down a California highway with Al Cowlings. I was home at my parents because I was wanting to go out for an early round of birthday fun from my job in radio at KXRA (sad but true, the website is no different than it was in 1994) in Alexandria, MN. My friend Amy and I went downtown Minneapolis to Bunker's to hear some tunes and get cheap beers. All anyone could talk about was OJ! I mean I don't even remember who was playing that night! (it was most like Dr. Mambo's Combo...or GB Leighton, some thing DO NOT change.)
Anyway, a few dollar beers later...I drove Amy home and then headed for my parents house.
Whoopsie! Pulled over right across the street from Eden Prairie mall! Cute cop comes up to my window...
"Do you know you went over the line back there?"
I did?
"Yes you did! Are you okay?"
Yes, I am fine. Just driving home to my parents house. Why?
"Oh well, you seem fine. I will just give you a warning...can I have your license?"
Uh, sure! Ummm. Here.
"Thanks, wait here."
a few minutes pass...
"Thanks Lisa. You know, here is my card, if you aren't busy - give me a call."
At least he was cute, but he obviously knew it!
Disclaimer - MommyLisa is no longer the single hell-raiser she was in her twenties...she is WAY more mature and makes her husband drive or does not drink.
LMAO, Such a hell raiser. Did you call him???
Too funny!! My mother worked for the city and all of the cops knew her so it was always so you are Stephenia's daughter, have a good day and slow down. I never once got hit on! LOL
I love your disclaimer!! Oh and did you call him? Is that we your husband is? Lol
That's funny! Did you call him?
Wow, you got lucky!
Update for you all:
NO! I did not call him...I was living two hours away and was a little taken back by a cop that would pull me over, then hit on me. I am assuming if I were not attractive to him he would have tried to give me a ticket - who wants to date a guy like that? He probably is kinky!
That is crazy! I'm sure that I feel much safer knowing that somewhere out there....that guy is patrolling the streets! lol
thats how allot of r rated movies start. lol
Oh no way! You got hit on!! LOL
Ha! I was thinking that's how you met your husband.
LOL! What a great story!
LOL I wish that would have happened to me when I got pulled over by a male cop.
LOL...you go girl! Thanks for the comments on the Grammy post. I think Fergilicious does usually border on chic stripper ...Kori xoxo
I like to think you're still a hell-raiser..you just hide it better ;)
And, the answer was d.) all of the above and MORE!
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