I am playing the THURSDAY TOP 3 hosted by Confessions from a Working Mom & The (Un)Experienced Mom. If you'd like to join in click on either lady's blog to get started!
yes please.who DOESN'T like to shop?
But I need to clarify my lists here!
For Boo Boo La La?
Once Upon a Child. I refuse to pay full retail for jammies for a child under the age of sleepovers! And probably after that too.
Old Navy. Where else can I get her a Wonder Woman T?
Target. For EVERYTHING else, duh!*
For ME!
Banana Republic. God I love their t's!!! Always perfect!
Old Navy. Can't beat the prices!
Target. ummm, again - DUH! (j'dore tar-jay!)
For groceries for the fam?
Cub Foods. My devotion to my home state! I even went to Cub when I lived in Indy! And they employed my daddy for the last 37 years. He retires on Saturday!!!
Costco. How do I love you? Let me count the teenagers in my house that you feed & the Diet Dew habit of my hubby that you fulfill....
TARGET!!! I love Target for grocery shopping. Especially when I get those little 10% off coupons. Their prices are awesome...(wal-mart can suc it!)
However, I never go to any of these locations any longer without my Envirosax. You have heard me spew on about them in several posts. And if you have NOT click on the label and all of them will pop up!

Get some for yourself today - the set above is exactly like the extra set I have. You can get them just about everywhere these days - including their own website. They also have a blog explaining how responsibly they act toward perserving Mother Earth while making a fashionable product.
Seriously, I get compliments DAILY! Oh, and 10 cents off PER BAG when I use them at....wait for it....
*My mother worked at Target on Roberts Street in St. Paul, MN. I called her for the details because I +may+ have been a little fuzzy on it. It was not the FIRST Target, like I thought, but one of the first! She worked there when it opened in 1967 at the bakery. Funny how things come around. You do KNOW that Target had groceries via Applebaum's and a McGlynn's bakery in them in the 60's and 70's. They got away from that in the 80's (If my memory is close enough) and in the past few years have moved BACK to having grocery items & a pretty rockin' bakery! I LOVE TARGET!!!
p.s. Mommy Lisa has never recieved ANY compensation from Envirosax. She had ONE giveaway for Father's Day where a reader got ONE Envirosax. I just love them and their company and think their product is genious for an IDIOT like me to ensure I always have reusable bags with me. I keep a set in my purse & a second set at home in case I need to wash them. Which I do frequently - I always have a back-up!
Target really is awesome.....love it;)
I saw your comment on UnExperienced Mom before I saw your post, and I was curious to read how you incorporated Earth Day into shopping-- right on with the Envirosax! My mom has used them for years, and buying a few is on my to-do list!
I love Target. I really wish we had a Super Target nearby. Actually, how I'm consoling myself that we are moving off the beach next week is by saying that at least we'll be close to Target! LOL
P.S. Totally excited for Project Runway tonight- you? I want Emilio to win!
I adore Target and I didn't know about Banana Republic having phenomenal tees. This I need to investigate!
Target is my second home.
We all seem to agree on Target! It really is a great store, even though I have to drive a little farther than say another store. It's wonderful!
Thanks for stopping by my blog today!
Who doesn't love Target! I love Cub to. The one in Hastings is big and very nice.
Some days, the only reason I wake up is knowing that I will once again be in a city that hosts a Target... preferably a Super Target.
Although, every Target is super to me.
I am just now making the switch to Target. Why didn't someone tell me sooner?
Love that you did a shopping/Earth Day mashup, too!!! Not heard of that product, so guess what I'll be checking out? ;-)
Very interesting to read about the Target that your mom was at and how long "Target" has been around. Had NO idea about any of that! Hope there is a Jeopardy question about that topic b/c I am so ready now!
Thanks for playing our game!
Once Upon a Child is the GREATEST EVER!
target really is like a little piece of heaven on earth! hope you'll come back and link up next week for target tuesday!
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