1 - Ever take a s**t in the woods?
When I was on a Girl Scout
2 - If you won $1,000, what's the first thing you would do with it besides give me a cut?
Sorry, no cut for you. I would spend it on some house projects right now.
3 - What's your favorite phrase?
Wow. This is a toughie. I am gonna say, "No Biggie" cuz I would like that phrase to come back in style with the rest of the crap from the eighties. ;)
WAIT - Motherbitches.
No WAIT - Really?
4 - Fill in the blank - the world would be a better place if ______ left the planet.
all the other drivers...
5 - How do you take your coffee or tea?
Herbal tea.
Gee, am I boring?
AND - I still need to play with Messy Mommy too!!! This week...

We went up to the RedBox for the very first time ever...
Boo Boo La La and I spent the weekend at my parents house because T-Bone wanted us out of the way while he scrapped the ceilings to prepare them for our home project, mentioned above.
My parents thought I should go get us a movie when I went to get lottery tickets and to fill up my car...This was the movie I thought would be least annoying.
It was pretty good. The songs were not so memorable, the story was a nice turn on the boy meets girl theme...I love that Tiana was a strong person.
BUT THE ANIMATION!!! WOAH! simply spectacular. Especially the firefly sequences. Just beautiful!!! See if for the animation alone. Very good.
Happy Monday! (ugh.) I stole that from Caribou Coffee this morning. I tweeted them...wonder what they will say about my visit today... You can follow me @MommyLisa!
All the other drivers.. except for ME! I totally think the same thing.. Bahahahaha! :)
Hey that's a super idea using the amazon link. I think I might do that! Thanks! I thought the same things about the songs the first time too, but once you see it a billion times they're actually quite catchy. We sing them all the time around here.
so thats what i stepped in last time I was at boundry waters...lol
ok, I'm all about the 80's coming back too!
But thought I'd offer insight on the Airplane reference. The quote is from a little girl - maybe 8 or so. The little boy is attempting to hit on her when the coffee tray comes by. She says - I like my coffee black. Like my men. So ok, not TOTALLY a quote... but that's what it made me think of! ;)
I take my tea herbal too!! DELICIOUS!! :)
LOL at pooping in the woods.
We have the movie, just haven't watched it yet. maybe this coming weekend.
Love, love, love your favorite phrase!
hi There,....that's the second girl scout outdoor pooping Ive seen today..lol..I think I did it there as well...and I love your phrase the second one especially..Motherbitches...its catchy...Im following too...Nice to meet ya..!
The 80's will live forever. I like herbal tea too, but I tend to save it for the evenings after my caffeine deadline has passed.
I love any motherbitches mention.
My boys are asking to see that movie, though we haven't yet.
I need to start saying No Biggie more often. Especially after tonight when my hubby broke one of my dishes. UGH! Err I mean No Biggie. ;-)
I love redbox...So easy!
Gee...my Mom loves herbal tea too but I need that strong kick of caffeine...
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