I did not like the capture...it was more like torture.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

I need a prompt today...

Oh yeah, it's THURSDAY!!! Welcome.

The Prompts for Thursday, July 13, 2017:
1. List 7 things you’d rather be doing this summer.
2. Describe a hobby you would pursue if you had an additional hour to spend each day.
3. Write a blog post inspired by the word: celebrate
4. Book review!
5. Your summer vs. Your kids summer
I was going to write about My Summer vs. My Kid's Summer, but both have been pretty great.  I turned 50 and went to wine country with my girlfriends and tasted delicious wine - ate delicious food and pretty much rocked that birthday.  And Boo Boo La La went to her first overnight camp, is learning ukulele and is participating in general merriment at her summer program.

I also got to go to Duluth with T-bone and Boo Boo which was way relaxing even if we were in a waterpark hotel.

And your summer is _______________?

So I decided to write a 4. Book Review! because I FINALLY FINISHED THIS DARN BOOK I HAVE BEEN READING FOR NEARLY A YEAR.  Ugh.

I Capture The Castle by Dodie Smith

Last year I got a summer reading list and - uh, let's say I hope they fired the person who curated that list.

This book was a slug fest for me to complete. I found the characters irritating and their behavior kind of stupid. But perhaps that is because it is all written by Dodie Smith when she was in her early fifties, but the voice of the book, the main character Cassandra, is 17. I just feel it wasn't right. Somehow what Cassandra "captured" in her writing about what was going on just was silly and boring.

So yeah.

Do not read it.  Really, just walk away from the book.

Unless maybe you are 17 or a 50-year-old who thinks they are 17 again.

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Anonymous said...

Good for you! I would have probably tossed it aside and been done with it long before a year had gone by.

KatBouska said...

Isn't it hard to give up on a book when you've already committed to it!? I hate that! And for the record, I want to spend EVERY birthday the way you spent your 50th!

Karen and Gerard said...

I would have given up on that long ago. I have started a couple boring ones that I do not think I will finish.

Madamdreamweaver said...

Thanks for saying a bad book is a bad book. I've read a couple "classics" I considered dogs myself.

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