Happy Memorial Day Weekend Peeps!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Happy Memorial Day Weekend Peeps!  Mommy Lisa has been BUSY!  The video is of Dana Douglas and I as we appear on Showcase Minnesota to talk about our Mom's Time Out with the Chevy Traverse!

If you are a Minnesotan or Wisconsonite you can go to the website and register to win a trip to Madden's, Vote for ME!  And find out where your local Chevy Dealer is so you can get a Spa Finder gift card.

ALSO if you are a MN Blogger, join Cathy @AntsyPants and I for a fun night at MOA next Saturday.  Click THIS for details....and RSVP so we can read your blog and get to know you too!

Last weekend was a BIG weekend for Boo Boo La La, her FIRST trip to Chuck E. Cheese for her friend Jordan's fifth birthday!  Jordan is really special friend because his mom Jonie adopted him and his sister from a really broken home.  We are going to miss him soooo much next year when he goes to kindergarten at Jonie's school and doesn't come to J's anymore; I cannot tell you!  Boo Boo will miss him terribly!

We like to tease her about Jordan being her "boyfriend" and the teasing was picked up last week by our good friend Todd when he came for dinner last Friday...

FYI - this is typical when the boys are together!

Todd said, "So you are going to your boyfriend Jordan's birthday, huh?"
Boo Boo replied, "Umm, he is NOT my boyfriend Todd!"
Todd said, "You aren't going to marry him?"
Boo Boo HUFFED and said, "I am NOT marrying Jordan, pfff, I am only a CHILD."

I hope she remembers that when she is fifteen....

AND an update - today I am interviewed on Say Anything
Stop by and say hello!

Cool Car Tales - 2nd Trip

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Hey All!  I am loving driving The Chevy Traverse - and will talk about it on TELEVISION today at 10am central on Showcase Minnesota
I will put up the video Saturday for you!

So while I am doing that...My Peeps are writing my blog. 

Today's Guest Post is from:

BWS tips button  Yeah for Michelle!  She is taking us back in time to tell us how CLUMSY she is...
and how one time that "hampered" her ability to drive her car.

I've always been clumsy - ever since I was little. That carried over into my driving as a teenager. I can't tell you how many times I slammed my finger in a car door, hurt myself with the seatbelt (yes, really. LOL), hit a car in a parking lot (that was parked!), or backed into a light pole. It was sort of a running joke in my family that any car I'd ever own would probably end up with dents/scratches/a missing bumper/etc. They weren't kidding! There is one story that stands out more than others. Probably because my parents like to bring it up at every family function.

I went out with friends one night and it was a late night (to my mom's standards). I drove home and I was getting off the interstate I literally plowed my tire into a curb. I decided to back off the curb and keep driving cause I was only about 10 minutes from home. It was like 2 am and I didn't really want to deal with a cop asking me what I was doing parked on a curb at 2 am. It couldn't have been that bad right? I just hit a curb! I kept hearing this weird sound and I noticed that it was an awfully bumpy ride. I couldn't really figure out why it was so bumpy but figured it was no big deal. I'd make it home and whatever was wrong would be fixed by my stepdad the next day. I mean, HELLO I needed a car to keep up with my ever growing social life and he would never let me be without a car! I parked it in front of my parent's house and went to bed.

This was back in the days when I could sleep until noon on a Saturday. My mom tried to wake me up several times and I heard her but ignored her. It was the weekend and I was sleeping till noon no matter what. To be honest, I forgot about my car troubles anyway. Being responsible was totally over rated at that point in my life. Finally she had enough and she shook me until I woke up. She said, "Ummm Michelle what the HELL happened to your car?" I can't remember what my response was but I think it was "nothing!" My mom then gave me the "look" and told me to go look outside under the carport.

Outside I found something similar to this:

(Photo credit AA1Car.com)

Except my darling stepdad had already removed the tire (or what was left of it) from my car and put a donut on it. He was already at the tire store replacing my tire. That picture doesn't even do justice for what it really looked like. There was a few shreds of tire left and the rest was all rim. So basically I drove home on a RIM with no rubber attached to it.

Yeah, I'm responsible, intelligent and quite possibly the epitome of a woman driver.
Now, can I borrow your car??

Cool Car Tales - 1st Trip

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

So today begins the roster of GUEST BLOGGERS
Peeps that are loved by Mommy Lisa
while she is busy riding around in her Chevy Traverse these folks will give you

Cool Car Tales

every Tuesday and Thursday until June 18th contact me if you want to play too!
First Up - Iris at My Life In Purple

...and it's all over you, electric blue
...tell me, what can I do? electric blue

Memorable events of 1991: Operation Desert Storm, the death of Freddie Mercury, and the birth of my sweet summer ride, the Pontiac Firefly.
Barely bigger than a Harley, but I'm convinced it's twice as fun. Some days, when my blonde hair is whipping in the wind as I drive down the highway, I feel like Barbie.
With only 55 horse power, it's really just a glorified riding lawn mower with two seats, but come on, it's an electric blue convertible! As far as I know, there are only two of them currently on the road in New Brunswick.

This is Ukulele Haley, our constant tour guide.
We go old school in our car - real maps. No MapQuest here, people.

We love our little car.

There's absolutely no need for an air freshener in our car. Driving past pine trees, a field of flowers, or even the salt from the ocean, you get to enjoy every scent that our rural province has to offer.

We've traveled all over our little province, and we're hoping to get further this summer. The destination point for this year are the rolling hills and stunning vistas of the Cabot Trail in Cape Breton.
If you see us on the road, don't forget to wave, you can't miss us, we look just like Ken & Barbie!

The BLUE award - thanks Jana!

Monday, May 24, 2010

This Award is a 'getting to know you' type of award and I love telling about ME - but I like hearing about you too.  Jana at The Little Black Book tagged me and five other bloggers with these questions.

{1} Favourite childhood memory?

My birthdays when I was little - My mom always made me feel special and made fun treats!  For some reason I remember wanting a lot of yellow for birthdays and she always delivered! 

{2} Favourite movie?  Lots!  But I identify with brat pack movies - loved St. Elmo's Fire most.

{3} Paris or London?  Never been to London - have been to Paris, so I am gonna say London.

{4} Sarcasm or Humour? Humor - too many people are sarcastic these days...it isn't funny anymore.

{5} The Beach or the Hills?  ?I hope you don't mean the SHOW the Hills, but I pick the Beach anyway.

{6} Dawn or dusk?  Dawn! 

{7} Reading or something else?  Reading (& writing....)

{8} Favourite yesteryear moviestar? Clark Gable was the first name that popped into my head when I read that question.

{9} Favourite snacks?  Anything salty.  Pretzels, Nachos, pita chips and hummus....now I am hungry!

{10} What does getting an award mean to you?  That someone READS MY BLOG actually!~! ;)

Okay I am SUPPOSED to tag six bloggers, but I have already tagged a bunch to write guest posts for me about road trips or cars...If you would like to do that email me!  Tell me a good story and I will be posting them each Tuesday & Thursday until June 18th, unless I get a TON then it will be more often.

First up will be Iris from My Life In Purple tomorrow!  Come back and hear all about her cool car!

World Mission Monkey Day!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Hello blog-world!  I am participating in what's known around the world as Mission Monkey day!  What is Mission Monkey you ask?  Well, there's this blogger friend of ours known as Pixie Momma, aka Michelle.  Michelle has a little girl, or Monkey as she's known by who was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma.  To learn more about it, click here. Monkey is a sweet little 16 month old girl.  She doesn't deserve this.  Nobody deserves this.

But the good news is that Monkey only has Stage 1 (low risk).  The bad news is the medical bills are mounting and the Physical Therapy (starts today) isn't covered by insurance.  Michelle is using the donated money to offset medical bills.  She will donate and unused portion to another family dealing with the same issue.

This is why the blogging universe is banning together like never before to rally around Michelle and Monkey to provide support.  In addition to further entice you to lend your hand, and donate to the cause, we have over 50 items that have been donated.  Many bloggers are hosting these fabulous giveaways and all you need to win one of these items is just one raffle ticket.

Donation pages:
Princess of Sarcasm - http://bit.ly/9nUmBp%20
The One and Only Oka - http://bit.ly/9KZSOG
SupahMommy - http://bit.ly/bSMrGw
Jenn B Says #1 - http://bit.ly/bYzHAH
Jenn B Says #2 - http://bit.ly/bej01D
Amber - http://bit.ly/cTGq29
Two Little Monkeys - http://bit.ly/cZKjzK
Mommy's Nest - http://bit.ly/9tLjoy
Chief's Hiding From the Kids - http://bit.ly/cfKIiO
Jenny - http://bit.ly/dftIS2
Jana - http://bit.ly/aUKVjM

You may donate any amount of money via PayPal as it's linked directly to Michelle's bank account.  However, in order to be a part of the raffle, this is how that's going to go.  If you donate the following, you get the subsequent number of entries:
  • $10 - 2 entries
  • $20 - 5 entries
  • $30 - 10 entries
  • $40 - 15 entries
  • $50 - 20 entries
  • $75 - 35 entries
  • $100 - 50 entries
  • $200 - 125 entries
 The raffles for each item will start on or around July 1st.

Click on monkey to donate!

If you are donating money via PayPal, I need to know who it's coming from.  For example, look at the first picture below.  The link takes to you this screen.  Press the plus sign and then indicate your blog name/blog email address so I can track you accordingly.

And, here's the thing: this could be any of our kids.  Thank you for your time and thank you for your donation.

There are also a few other things going on to celebrate Mission Monkey please visit them all!

Supah Mommy's Swag Bag

Twitter party!
More info can be found here - CASH PRIZES!!!!!!

Kerri over at Kerri's Klutter is donating $1 for each and every linkup she receives for her weekly meme, Comment Love LettersIn addition, Adrienne is matching Kerri's donation dollar for dollar!  Go and link up and support Mission Monkey!

ZGirl and Travis are participating in a weight loss challenge and they are asking for your sponsorship.  Please visit them and lend your support!

Jenn over at BabyStepsInHighHeels has a challenge where she's going to donate $1 for every comment/new follower from now until the end of May.  Please visit her!

Television Is Not So Hard...

Did you SEE my Boo Boo La La!  ;) 
p.s. We got a BLUE one!  So awesome! 
p.p.s. Who wants a ride?

Today is the day!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Today is the day that The Mom Squad picks up their new Chevy Traverse's at Kare 11!!

My Dad and Boo Boo La La are going with me...expect pictures AND expect that I will be blogging over here at Mom's Time Out Twin Cities for the better part of the next month.


How about a good road trip or car related story.  Nothing too *ahem* adult please, just good clean fun!

Like the time my friend and I road tripped to Vail spur of the moment in my Chevy Chevette - can you imagine going through the mountains in this?

picture from CarGurus!
I did love my VETTE though...I still miss her & her mish-mosh of stickers!

Save the Whales!
Elect Jim Ramstad (a Republican?)
A big Peace symbol
Sorority Letters

what can I say I was 19?
So..what is your car story?  Email me the story or the HTML!

P.S. Anyone in MN or WI can go out to the Mom's Time Out Twin Cities website starting 5/24 and register for cool prizes and find Heartland Chevy Dealer's where they can test drive a Chevy and get $30 Coupon for any location that is on Spa Finders!  Cool, huh?

p.p.s. and you could vote for me to win a trip too...but that is not important.  ;)

Yesterday I had a very rough morning...and made a decision.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Yesterday morning I had my annual visit to the OB/GYN...a place I know VERY well because of the three years I spent going there to get pregnant with Boo Boo La La. 

Let's look at her shall we? 


I see a specific doctor there - not the one I originally saw nearly ten years ago - she is SUPER HARD to get an appointment with since she had grandbabies and she has been voted a TOP OB/GYN for the last three years in MPLS/StPaul magazine. 

A different doctor, but still he has been on that list too and I loved him for a few good reasons:
  1. He made you feel like he had ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD for you.
  2. He made a MAD dash in effort to get to the hospital before Boo Boo was born - they were on the phone telling him they were going to start pitossin when my water broke and Boo Boo started crowning!!!!
  3. He CLEANED UP the floor after stiching me back together instead of leaving it for a nurse.
  4. He ALWAYS asks about Boo Boo.  ALWAYS and listens to me tell about her.
  5. He noticed when I cut my hair really short - and he had not seen me in a month.
Well from now on I am calling ahead the three months or so it takes to see my original doctor.

Here is why.

I made my appointment for 8:30 am because I am not always sure how long it takes to get to the office from my house and daycare does not open until 7:30am.  I got there rather early...like 8:05 am, no biggie.

Now you MUST know that the doctor in question is always behind.  So you take the first or second appointment of the day to be sure to not have to wait excessively - OR you call ahead and ask how far behind he is...the office staff are aware that his long standing patients WILL call and ask if they are scheduled later in the day. 

I got ushered back for labs and the nurse was telling me that she was "probably" going to take me back out because they were waiting for the first appointment person to arrive.  Huh?  She's not hear yet?  by now its like 8:20...she STILL is not here when the nurse checks and so she takes me to a room.

I wait and I wait and finally look at my cell for the time.  EIGHT FIFTY-ONE!!!  WTF???

I open the door and am PANICKED I have a meeting at 10:00 am at my office EIGHTEEN MILES AWAY!!!!  and I have things I want to discuss. 

The other lady SHOWED UP in the flash between my being put in a room and the doctor grabbing my (thick as an encyclopedia) chart!!!  AND HE WENT IN TO SEE THIS SUPER LATE WOMAN OVER ME AND NOW MY APPOINTMENT IS NEARLY THIRTY MINUTES LATE!!!???!!?!?!?

He said he was SORRY about six times.  I was so ticked off by this turn that I just could not even talk to him about what I wanted to talk about.  I called my hubby to vent and was SO UPSET that I started hyperventillating...which is NOT good because I have asthma and they do not make Albuterol any more!!!

Would you take that and go back?  Or see another doctor?  I have been seeing him exclusively since Boo Boo was born and saw him the most outside of my original doctor when I was pregnant with Boo Boo.  (You had to see everyone in the practice during your pregnancy just in case they were on call.)

I have had him hold my hand and make me feel better quite a few times and now...

I am just so mad.

Raffle Donations Secured for Mission Monkey

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Ian at The Daily Dose of Reality has started this Mission.  A Mission for a Monkey - to help a small child and her family that have had a big huge bucket of cold hard cancer dumped on them.

Click on The Daily Dose of Reality for more details on the raffle and follow on Twitter to keep up #missionmonkey!
The call went out to Etsy Shop owners, friends, Romans and Countrymen to give give give! 
And they have.

I have personally secured these three lovely donations.  Buy stuff from these Etsy Sellers, thank them, and BUY RAFFLE TICKETS!!!

ECO-friendly Wool Dryer Balls from Farm Fresh Fiber


Retro and Fun Tuxedo inspired Peasant Top with the added Boutique Mia touch; it can be a vintage button, a little bow or just a little surprise.
Size 4/5

From Boutique Mia!  She makes adult clothing too!

 Boo Boo Approved!

donated this lovely piece from his shop!

Better yet, put this button up on your blog too:

Click on monkey to donate...please help!

Thanks Everybody!  and remember...this could be your child.

I DID watch a movie, and didn't fall asleep!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Movie Monday @ Messy Mommy
Please click and play if you would like to share a movie review.
I finally watched Avatar - my baby has seen it THREE TIMES.  Yes, she is four - she does NOT get scared by much. 
We took her to Where the Wild Things Are and she was dancing in her seat and proclaimed it THE BEST MOVIE EVER!!! 
I have heard all the talk about it just being a remake of Fern Gully, but I never saw that. 
So?  What do I know?
I know that this was the most BEAUTIFUL movie I have ever seen.
I know that it kept me captivated.
I also know that my daughter has already committed this movie and its message to memory and heart. 
That is enough for me to say you should watch it too.

Mission Monkey - Monday Minute



Have you ever peed in the shower/bath/pool?  - BATH?  gross.  No.

What is your biggest pet peeve?  People who drive slooooow in the left lane or T-bone and Boo Boo La La leaving their socks on the dining room table or coffee table.

What's the story behind your blog title?  I have an eBay seller account called "Mommy's Nest Egg" and it was an extention of that...(I was hoping to make a LOT of money on eBay...I have made some here and there.)

What is your definition of success?  Being happy.

If you were famous, what would you want to be famous for?  Karaoke!!!!  Oh, and being a friend of Ian of course...

WePlay iCarly

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Come Be Eye-Girl's Guest...

Saturday, May 15, 2010

 Today I am featured over here on Life As Eye See It!  She is on the West Coast and we are taking over by sharing our own cities.  I talk about Hawaii...ummm, no wait -



Boo Boo Saturday is tomorrow...sorry!

SKI-U-MAH everybody.

Wouldn't you love a downpour like this? AND The Chevy Traverse?

Friday, May 14, 2010

I hope this happens to me while I am on the Mom Squad!!! 



All I have to say today is...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Grab the button on the right.

If you want to donate an item for the raffle contact Ian! 

That is all.

WW - My Baby Boy Roofis

Its all in the "high-level" details. PINT!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mommy Gets Down!

Monday, May 10, 2010

See that?

That is me singing karaoke in a dive bar in Kissimmee, FL last weekend.

I apparently was not the only person drinking wine...

This is the photo culprit!

Thank goodness we had a lovely British driver to escort us home!

The End

Happy Mother's Day - Review!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

I love love love love love love Etsy

& the store above is my new favorite!

Go there now and buy these:

I purchased dryer balls from two Etsy shops and these IMHO were the very best for size and construction.

$15 including shipping for three - get SIX.

Why Dryer Balls?? 

Number One: (and the reason I first got Totally Toddler Dryer Balls) To keep the chemicals OFF of your children's clothing from dryer sheets, then I found out Totally Toddler & other plastic dryer balls were made of PVC which then leached onto the clothing....UGH!  My search for an alternative led me to these wool dryer balls from a lovely Vermont farm!!!  (If you must have a scent there are sellers who sell scented & Buddah Bunz also sends instructions how to rescent her dryer balls, plus hers are really cute!)

Number TWO: and a result I did NOT expect.  Reduced drying time.  With six dryer balls in the dryer I reduce the time it takes to dry a load of T-bone's work jeans and shirts from 80-90 minutes to just 60!  That is a huge time and energy savings as I typically do TWO loads of his work clothing per week.

So there is a Happy Mother's Day to you!  Chemical free laundry tool & energy savings to boot! 

Boo Boo Takes the Backseat Today...

Saturday, May 8, 2010

This Boo Boo Saturday has been interrupted for a really good reason.  Sorry Shell - I repurposed YOUR post for mine...I was crying & was having a hard time putting it together...


This tiny 16 month-old precious little girl now has to fight for her life. She could be your child. 
She could be my child...

It makes me cry to think about how this could change your life so quickly...

I want to grab my Boo Boo and hold her tight and cry my eyes out...especially when I know that that isn't enough to keep her safe from something like that.

Are you ready to help?

First of all, pray for Monkey. Pray for her family. Pray for strength, pray for healing, pray for her doctors, her nurses, her technicians, just pray.  A Lot!

Next, go follow Mama's Pixie Dreams. That link will take you right to the post about Monkey's diagnosis.  Just follow and tell her you are keeping them in your thoughts and prayers.

A few weeks ago I first ran into Ian, at The Daily Dose of Reality here in the blogosphere...he is THE MAN! 
Ian is organizing a fundraiser to help this family. Because as if this isn't enough of an emotional nightmare for this family, it will also be a financial nightmare.

Now go FOLLOW IAN...look for his post next Wednesday, explaining exactly how donations and a raffle are going to work. 

But, for now: can you help?

Do you have something that you can donate?

Maybe you can work your magic on a company and get a big ticket item.

Or maybe you are a company who can donate. Make a big donation and I'll blog about how fabulous you are, tweet about, etc. And there are other blogs that would do the same thing for you!

But, it doesn't have to be something big.

Do you have an Etsy shop? Can you make something?

Do you have a blog? Can you donate a guest spot on it? Ad space on the side of your blog?

Do you do blog design? Can you make a button?

Anything at all would be helpful.

Email Ian at thedailydoseofreality(at)gmail.com to let him know what you can help with.

He will also have a paypal account set up by Wednesday so that you can donate directly to the Pixie family.

You can also grab Monkey's button at Ian's blog.

And once again, PRAY!

Peace, Mommy Lisa

Its Fabulous that it is Friday - fer sure man!

Friday, May 7, 2010

I cannot tell you the joy and relief that I feel because it is Friday!!!  I am tired from my trip to Orlando and really just want to be at home.

Will be busy on Mother's Day because I still have Sunday School to teach & brunch with the family & at 5pm I have an appointment to pick-up my bridesmaid dress and have a fitting. 
(yeah, 5pm Sunday.  Weird, huh?)
BUT NO SCHOOL!!!  tee hee!  Pour me a margarita!

There are a couple of FABULOUS bloggers I would like to direct you to on this FAB FRIDAY,
as declared by MILP!!!

EyeGirl @Life As EYE See It - she is a wonderful blogger planning a wedding to THE ONE & she is funny!
plus, she asked for guest bloggers while she is on vacation - and picked ME!  I will let you know when to head over next week and read about this little corner of the world.

Next is the FABULOUS Ebony Haywood! @Sizzling Publications

She writes - her children's book IS AVAILABLE!
plus, well - I won a cool Hello Kitty necklace designed by her friend Pir8t!!!  argh.

p.s. if you do not ETSY, you should!  For the beautiful photography alone!  I will be posting a review of my latest ETSY purchase this weekend!!!  Come back now, y'hear!

p.p.s. did you THINK I forgot your video?  nah!  here's a crazy German and The Cure - lookin' crazy too!

  but, I love the song!


Random Bits and Memories - or - I Remember Mama

Thursday, May 6, 2010

So I got the idea from a fellow MN Blogger - Smonk You - and his blog yesterday...

No not the aliens.  I am almost as afraid of them as I am of The Real Housewives of New Jersey...
gawd, Don't Tell Theresa I said that!

Earliest memories; today you get a few of mine.

One of my earliest memories living in Blue Earth was the Tupperware...everywhere!  My mommy sold Tupperware and I had all the TOYS.  Perfect, cuz I was only 2.5.

Then we moved from that blue house in Blue Earth to an OLD house.  I remember getting my big girl bed complete with pink canopy & getting our doggy.  I recall my mother asking me what we should name him and I said in a very serious little voice, "Rufus."  Yes, I had another Rufus...

Then we moved to a farmhouse and I have a distinct memory here!  My mother told me NOT to drink all the pickle juice from the jar and my nearly four-year-old did NOT listen (pattern?) and I drank ALL the pickle juice in the jar, then proceeded to THROW UP a streak of pickles and juice from the living room - through the kitchen - into the bathroom.  poor mom!

There are many more.  Trying to poop in the dark in the potty in my room.  (stairs were treacherous in the old farmhouse.)  My brother needing the Vick's Vaporizor as a baby & PEEING at me when I was helping mom change him.  Walking home from school, getting picked on at daycare for only using the purple crayon on a picture - I VARIED the pressure and design to create my masterpiece. 

And I REALLY remember the Blue Earth Fairgrounds where:

  • My parents put all of us kids in the back of a truck to shuck corn for the Jaycees booth in the grandstand.  (DADDY WAS THE PRESIDENT!)
  • I played pick-a-duck and rode the Tilt-A-Whirl with my babysitter.
  • We had my cool birthday party with the lemon cake with whipped cream frosting and plastic yellow flowers...that was my favorite!

I had a charmed childhood.  Summers with grandparents who doted on the only grandchild who lived within 1000 miles of them & parents who took me EVERYWHERE. 

Now, how about you?  What is YOUR earliest memory? 

A glimpse at my mother...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Back in the day...Yes, this is me at about age 7 & Pete about age 3.
My mother used to always say whenEVER we fought

"Why can't you be more like Donny and Marie???"


I called him pet names like "Fart Blossom" and dressed him like a girl...
He chased me around with kitchen utinsels, knives or whatever when he got sick of being picked on...
when he got older and bigger than me we just chased each other around taunting.

Flash Forward to 1999.  I am getting married, buying a house and just moved home from Indiana.  My mother emailed me and said,

"You know how I used to always want you to be like Donny & Marie?  Well...I changed my mind.  They are a MESS!  What with the anxiety, panic, eating disorders and depression.  I am glad you are who you are."  

She still feels guilty about stuff like that to this day!  She called me about a month ago and asked if I felt deprived because we never went to the town easter egg hunt growing up...
I didn't even know it existed!  We got our Easter Baskets at home!

(I think she worries because her mother used to always say "Wicked Wicked Mommy!" when my mother disciplined us in front of her...)  Ahh, Gigi - click to read about HER!

So, what I am trying to say today is - Mom...don't worry so much.  I love you and none of that stuff EVER crosses my mind as a negative!

I love you through and through
still...let's see how screwed up the Osmonds were....  ;)

Just Back From ORLANDO!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

And I will be spending the week catching up with you all!!!

Retold to Mommy Lisa by J

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Sometimes when I pick up Boo Boo La La "J" will tell me a funny story.

I love J - and right now I would do anything she asks, but that is a story for another day.  When you think of our daycare, think sending your kid to the cool family that looks like they dropped right into the middle of Minnesota from someplace cool - like San Diego or Hawaii.   But give them Minnesota values and humor...

That is J and her adorable family.

J and her hubby walk their dog FOUR miles every night AFTER the kids go home with their parents.  <----and dammit they are OLDER than me.  I am lazy.

The other day when I saw them walking by the park on their way home J said, "Your lilacs are just gorgeous!  I love lilacs...." wink, wink.

Of COURSE - would you like us to bring you some?  "YES."

So Wednesday morning Boo Boo and I went into the yard with a cup and scissors to cut some lovely lilacs for Mrs. J....she was thrilled!  (I brought her more Friday too - you know they only last a couple weeks!)

J told me that all that day as the kids arrived should would go up and ask them,

"Did you bring J flowers?"
uhhhhh (deer in headlights 3-8 year olds)
"You were SUPPOSED to you know!"

oh my...

J thought it was HI-LAR-I-OUS.  (phew.)

For more history on why there are so MANY lilacs in my town click this Wikipedia entry.  Or watch the Twin Cities Public Television special on Lilac Way.

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