THANK YOU! What an honor!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Drama Mama at The Scoop on Poop
gave me this award for being a Stylish Blogger

I like that...

However, now I am to give you FIVE SECRETS about me???

Okay - I will give you random and silly secrets.

  1. When I was little my Grandpa Bye told me I was magic...he told me to close my eyes and wish he would disappear and it would happen.  I did and he did!  I am sure he just went in the garage and hid on me, but I was sure I was magic...
  2. My babysitter and I wanted to watch The Holocaust on television - my mom told us not to watch it because my brother was too little.  He vomited from one scene and my babysitter vaccumed it up!
  3. I HATE it when anyone tries to touch my belly button...
  4. I am not tickle-ish.
  5. When I get nervous about something I feel like I have to pee every five minutes.

There you go!

Now to give this award to Five Stylish Bloggers:

Iris at My Life in Purple - she is FABULOUS you know.  (and a beautiful Canadian!)
Cathy at Antsy Pants - enjoy her Booze Days! (& because I owe her a guest post!)
Rebecca at Just Be! - she is the most Beautiful Geek I know...
The Town & Country Mom - finds awesome stuff
Michelle at {So Wonderful, So Marvelous} because I still owe her a guest post for next Friday!

So, who do you love?

Best Intentions Monday

Monday, June 28, 2010

Today I am setting my intentions for the week!  Enjoy and feel free to tell me how idiotic I sound!  ;P

When I get home if Boo Boo La La asks me to watch cartoons with her - I will not make any excuses, but sit down with her - I have not seen her since Friday morning as I am in San Diego. 

I will not complain about other people - I am GRATEFUL to have such wonderful friends, family and co-workers around me. 

I will go work out Thursday morning - I have had such good workouts here in San Diego!  ;)

I will be up for saying YES to more things.  Only NO to that wish is truly foolish.

I will not say - "Unless I win the Powerball!"

Have a great week Peeps!

Boo Boo Saturday with TECHNOCOLOR!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

This is Boo Boo at her best bud Mr. S's backyard, Batman, birthday party!

Miss Boo Boo was invited to the birthday party of one of her pre-k and daycare buddies Mr. S.  They have been together since they were about 6 and 11 months - she is older.  It was his fourth birthday and Mr. S is obsessed with...
(Mr. S's mom and I worked together, she said - "He has been obsessed with Batman for quite some time.  When will it be over? - ummm, my brother has a Batman ROOM in his house.  He is 38.)
I digress.
The cake arrived shortly after I came to pick-up my soaking wet little girl...water gun fight!  It was a cupcake Batman scene purchased at Target - with the most un-holy color of blue frosting.  Boo Boo La La went CRAZY for it as you see above...I said, "You look like you belong in Avatar!" and the party-goer's laughed, at least the grown-up attendees.  We went inside and cleaned up, without getting any blue in Mr. S's Mom's WHITE bathroom!
I thought nothing of the cupcake until Sunday morning when Boo Boo La La, once again, called me in to look at her poop!  It was turquoise.

Apparently blue frosting +  brown poo = turquoise

Enjoy your Saturday BBQ!!!


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Ian's Monday Minute - First Day of Summer - First Guest Queries!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Monday Minute

The first cohost for Ian's Monday Minute is Brittany from If you want to be a future cohost, link up, and he'll use to pick one each week.

Here's the questions...

1 - Have you ever had any feelings towards one of your teachers back in the day? No, but some friends wrote a love note to a dorky math teacher in sixth grade and signed my name to it...ick.

2 - What's the most embarrassing thing that happened while at work? (If you never worked then make something up) The most embarassing was when I dented the radio station's giant remote broadcasting van backing up at a gas station!  YIKES!!!

this was not the van, but it was JUST like it...

3 - When was the last time you crapped yourself?  I am not sure if I did giving birth (don't ask, don't tell was my policy) - otherwise it was when I was in diapers.

4 - What is one thing you have always kept a secret and why have you kept this a secret for so long? I have a lot of secrets...and I plan to keep them that way.

and finally...

5 - What's your best advice for us habitual coffee drinkers as to not have to poop right after drinking it? Quit drinking coffee.  ;)

Meh? I am 43 - whatever.

I know I said to be back for the party.  But, I am just not feeling a party in me is my birthday - I am a weird age - I have to go to work - and I just did not have the best weekend. 

I am tired. party sorry!  I am going to go into a hole today and try to come back with a more positive viewpoint. 
Send key lime pie.

We are back...we missed you a LOT! Boo Boo Saturday is ON!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

In case you missed it Boo Boo La La and I have been blogging at
for the last four weeks.  And to say that I missed my very own corner of bloggy-land is an UNDER-statement Peeps!  I love you guys.

Anyway, we are back and we are DONE.  But go check out the posts I did over there and register for a trip, and give me some comment love!!!  :) 


Now for a Tale of Boo Boo La La

Thursday night after we gave back Belle, our 2010 Chevy Traverse, we drove in our old Ford Taurus out to my in-laws.  My SIL is in town from Houston and we don't get to see her NEARLY enough.

Boo Boo La La was excited to play with Grandpa, Grandma, Jods and Jess for sure!  (three rounds of CANDY LAND) You see Grandpa and Grandma have a TOY ROOM in their house for the grandkids.  Grandpa has a bunch of old and new toys in there...and Boo Boo LOVES in particular the mini Dalmations that are replicas from 101 Dalmations.

She and Grandpa DUG them out of the bottom of the toy box and she was playing with them while we got dinner ready and generally chit-chatted.

When dinner was ready I called her to the table and told her if she came "right now you could bring a puppy to the table with you."

She RAN to the table and took her seat with the puppy and was making barking sounds...then she said, "Mama do you know what?  I speak dog language.  Ruff, ruff, ruff..."

Aunt Jody heard that and laughed and laughed...just the begining of a great night with family - after a great day with my Dad & Boo Boo La La.

Here is hoping you get a weekend full of laughter too.

oh, psst.  my birthday is MONDAY.  Come back for the party!!!

Pro's & Con's of the 2010 Chevy Traverse Experience:
I couldn't speed and "wave" at other drivers who cut me off.
(not that I do that IRL, but I couldn't for sure then!!! )
Gas mileage!  16 MPG is what I averaged in the 4 weeks?

But, on the plus side - what a SMOOTH & POWERFUL ride.  Love XM Radio, LOVE Sun Roof! (is it stupid to get one in a 2002 Ford Taurus?) The DVD player was totally awesome - Boo Boo could reach the controls all by herself!!!  OMG was it a pretty car and so COMFORTABLE with the cooling/heating in the seats and adjustable lumbar support!!!!  I love blue, but she was downright gorgeous!  I (again) will SOOO miss the XM Satellite Radio - the 80's on 8 is superterrificfuntimes because it has all the old MTV VJ's (yes, even Martha Quinn) for you to listen too.  (now do I feel old?  YIKES!)  It has MASSIVE room to haul anything and I will TOTALLY miss the OnStar Red Carpet treatment. 
That was awesome.
If you live in MN or WI don't forget there is still time for you to get a $30 SPA FINDER'S gift card if you go test drive a Chevy Traverse at your local Chevy Heartland Dealer!!!  Thanks!

Cool Car Tales - 8th Trip & All Good Things Must Come To An End...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

For the very last Guest Post of Cool Car Tales you are all invited to take a trip with a
from Sizzling Publications

She is so cool & she is ACTUALLY an author!
I was thrilled to my toes when Ebony Haywood agreed to write me a guest post -
then she upped the anti by making it a POEM.

Please enjoy Peeps!

My family once took a road trip from New York to LA.

My fondest recollection is eating popcorn everyday.

Mound and mounds of popcorn were stashed in our small minivan-

Bags of flavored popcorn as we cruised across the land.

In Nashville, Tennessee we ate Country Caramel Crunch,

In Mobile Alabama, popcorn fluffy as cotton for lunch.

Memphis barbecue popcorn with its tang and zip

Had me dreaming about it for hours and licking my lips.

The Cheesy flavors of Wisconsin I could not protest

And the milk chocolate covered popcorn in Montana was simply the best.

Our waistbands had expanded by the time we reached Cali.

Good thing the popcorn there is fat free and low in calories.

Twas the end of our popcorn journey and let me tell you, my friend,

One of these days, I’m gonna do it again.

Cool Car Tales - 7th Trip, hold onto your hats!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hey Peeps!  Since I am blogging at Mom's Time Out Twin Cities through the end of this week the lovely Michelle is taking the wheel may want to buckle up!  And please visit her (and ALL my guest bloggers) blogs.  I picked these PEEPS for a reason Yo!  They can make totally idiots of themselves for my enjoyment tell great stories!  ;)

Hi All, my name is Michelle and you can find me screwing up being a lunatic writing daily over at So Wonderful, So Marvelous.  I hope you'll pop over to say hello.  I am so excited that Lisa, who I think has the best tag line of any blog ever,  invited me over here to make an ass out of myself in front of her readers. An ass, you say? Allow me to illustrate as I share the story of my first driving "incident" with you.

When I was fifteen, my step-mom Colleen drove a sweet Toyota Celica.  It was cherry red and had a black car bra... use your imagination that this was 1991 and the height of cool... now, notsomuch.  She also, I am sure in an attempt to aid the hormonal teen / new step-mom relationship that admittedly was a bit rocky, would let me drive it.  Carefully.  Supervised.  In a parking lot with zero cars near our house... without a license.  You can imagine how freaking awesome this made me {at least in my mind} to be driving this car at fifteen. 

My dad at the time, was working out of town a lot, often for a few weeks at a time.  Colleen decided that we were going to take a road trip to Louisville, Kentucky to see him.  She packed up me, my sister Lyndsey, my baby sister Elise, and my two little cousins in her little red Celica and off we went.  My Aunt Kathy and my two toddler cousins were going to drive up from Atlanta and meet us there for vacation.

Now, I should tell you that we arrived safely at the Holiday Inn some time mid-afternoon and we were all ready to be out of the car.  Colleen ran in to the lobby to get us checked in and came back with the keys... yes, actual keys!  While she was in the lobby, Elise had filled her diaper and the car with an awful smell so it was rather urgent that we get to our room quickly.  I begged and pleaded for her to let me drive from the lobby around back to our room, which was, I'm guessing about 200 feet?  The rooms in the back building had doors to the outside, with a few short steps up from the sidewalk.

She said yes and off we went.  We get near to our room and I needed to turn into a parking space. 

Wait!  For what happened next to make sense I have to tell you something else.  My mom had also been teaching me to drive a stick shift.  So I often forgot that I didn't need both feet to drive Colleen's car which was an automatic.  I almost always forgot and had one foot on the accelerator and one foot on the brake.

I go to turn into the parking spot and I have my arms crossed on the steering wheel, my left hand is at about two o'clock and my right is crossed over it at about nine o'clock... like this was going to be some major turn or I was going to start doing donuts in the parking lot.  It had to have looked hilarious from the passenger seat and {mid turn} Colleen asks me what the heck I am doing.  My concentration broke and mostly already into the parking space, I slam on the breaks.

Except it wasn't the breaks I slammed on. 

Um, I may have hit the accelerator.  Over the concrete parking block I went.  The sidewalk too.  And up two steps almost reaching the door to our hotel room.  At which point I did indeed stop.

And every single person in the car was deadly silent as we took in what had just happened.

I mean not one peep.


I looked in the rear view mirror at my sister Lyndsey who was twelve or thirteen at the time and her face was a mixture of shock and awe.  Her eyes were bulging out of her head and her mouth was agape. 

Looking back, Colleen had to have wanted to kill me, but she didn't.  Instead we slowly backed up and despite the gawd awful noise it made going back over the concrete parking block I thankfully hadn't done any real damage. 

Later that day, my baby cousin swallowed a penny sparking a six hour trip to the children's hospital... once everyone got a look at the perfect circle on his x-ray and laughed about my aunt Kathy having to go through his diapers until it came out, they had all but forgotten about Michelle driving up the steps of the Holiday Inn. 

Um.  Or at least I'd like to believe that.     

Cool Car Tales - Bonus Sunday Drive!!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Hey Peeps!  It is a bonus Sunday Drive today from:

For the Love of Wendy’s Eyegirl @ Life As Eye See It, Guest Posting for Mommy Lisa

I am a very independent individual, who spends most of my time looking at where I’m headed instead of where I’ve been. When I graduated from high school, I couldn’t wait to start college. So, unlike all of my classmates, I opted to start classes summer semester immediately after graduation. I am also a very driven individual, and when I set my sights on a goal nothing gets in my way until that goal is reached. I was determined to finish undergrad in 4 years. So instead of taking 12, or maybe 15 credits, a semester, I usually took 18+.
Starting a semester early and taking the extra credits meant that I was allowed to have a car on campus much earlier than all of my friends. That sounds like a good thing, right? In general, it was great having transportation. However, having a set of wheels, also meant that I could just hop in my car and drive across town in a matter of minutes. I happen to have the hugest sweet tooth of anyone I know. So, one Sunday afternoon I got the bright idea to drive across town to Wendy’s and get myself a frosty. I’d been fighting off the craving for days, and it just wouldn’t go away so I finally decided to give in to it. So, I grab my keys and head down to the parking lot. I hop in my cars and drive the few miles to Wendy’s. I drive through the drive-thru, order my frosty, and head on back to campus. I pull into the parking lot, park my car, and grab my frosty. As I get out of the car, I begin eating my frosty. I’m savoring the chocolately goodness that is a Wendy’s frosty, fully absorbed in the moment. I don’t want to break from spooning the frosty into my mouth, so I hip check the door closed. Just as my hip makes contact with the door, and I push it closed, I realize that my keys are not in my hand. I reach out for the door to no avail. It latches shut. Locked tight. With my keys dangling out of the ignition. Well, *#&$! Unfortunately, all of my keys were on the same key ring. So even though I did have an extra set of car keys in my dorm room. The key to my room was now locked securely in my car. I had to track down a member of the dorm staff to unlock my dorm room, so I could get my spare car keys to unlock my car door. But you can bet that I sat down on the curb and finished my Wendy’s frosty first!

Priorities, people, priorities!

Cool Car Tales - 6th Trip at the movies!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

So today Peeps we get a treat while I blog at Mom's Time Out Twin Cities -
one of Kori's "Did you know?" movie posts. 
If you don't know Kori at Blonde Episodes & you like vintage things and interesting information need to check her out!

plus, yesterday...she had a TON of pics up of Johnny Depp!  hubba hubba!  Without further ado, here is KORI

When I think of going on a road trip, I think of Thelma and Louise. Although they started out just going on a simple fishing trip, we all know they ended up on a drastically different trip.

Thelma and Louise are running from the law. This makes the road trip exciting. They also have to shower where they can, drive a hot convertible car, smoke, drink, and meet Brad Pitt along the way. Isn’t this the way all road trips should be?

The whole idea of a road trip is romantic to me. Maybe it’s the idea that you never know what you will encounter. Maybe it’s seeing places you’ve never seen before, or just maybe it’s the freedom of the open road.

I hate to say it, but as an adult, I have really never taken a road trip. I think this summer I will venture out and report my own experiences. In the meantime, however, here are some fun facts about Thelma and Louise. If you haven’t seen it, you must check it out!

--Goldie Hawn and Meryl Streep wanted to make a movie together and Thelma & Louise was one of the scripts they considered. Ultimately, they decided to star in Death Becomes Her (1992) instead.

--In the scene where the tanker truck is shot and blown up, the reactions of Susan Sarandon and Geena Davis were supposed to be genuine. Rather than filming separate reaction shots, director Ridley Scott rigged the tanker to blow up during the take, in order to get authentic expressions of surprise from the two leads. Despite this, they were so astonished while watching it that they forgot to actually react, so Scott had to film their reactions again

--Then struggling actor George Clooney auditioned five times for Ridley Scott for the part of J.D. that went to Brad Pitt.

--It took producers so long to find someone for the role of Louise that Geena Davis had to sign a contract stating that the producers could cast her in either role if need be.

--Cher was also offered the role of Thelma, but turned it down.

--Both Michael Madsen and Christopher McDonald were initially in talks to play the part of Harlan, the rapist.

--Susan Sarandon and Geena Davis were both nominated for Best Actress, but lost to Jodie Foster in The Silence of the Lambs (1991). Ridley Scott was nominated for Best Director, but lost to Jonathan Demme, also for The Silence of the Lambs (1991). Callie Khouri won the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay, while Ted Tally won Best Adapted Screenplay, once again for The Silence of the Lambs (1991). Ridley Scott went on to direct the sequel Hannibal (2001), while Harvey Keitel would appear in the prequel, Red Dragon (2002).

Doesn't Kori dig up great stuff?!! Keep it on the road Peeps!

Cool Car Tales - 5th Trip!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Today's Cool Car Tale comes from my little (well, younger) brother Pete!
Who is all kinds of awesome!  Please visit his blog and enjoy this story. 
p.s. I loved this car too!

My first “love”!

The first Car (of the now ten I have owned) was the 1964 AMC Rambler Classic 770.

It was bought new by a nice lady in St.Cloud who only drove it to “Church and the grocery store”. She left it to her nephew with only a small dent and 24xxx miles. The Dad and I bought it for $1000 bucks in 1988.

I LOVED this car!!!

It came to an untimely end – cause I smashed it up- a few years later but it had a nice ride! (note from Mommy Lisa - I am the one who got the call from the cops and picked up the poor brother from the crash...)

My best memories (outside of romantic ones) in this car involve playin’ CB Tag with My Boys- the Bastards.

We developed this game by accident-we all had CBs in our cars and would play a radical version of hide and seek in our cars.

You were “tagged” when a “seeker” was behind you by less than a car length at a stop sign or red stop light. This and the boundary lines were pretty much THE ONLY RULES.

As 18 year old boys- we were CRAZY! Honestly- looking back- I am amazed no one got hurt. We only had two crashes in the 5 months or so we played the game.

It got sooo crazy- the County Sherriff had a “Task Force” to catch us.

They did- it took them two months and a team of 10 officers- but they did.

The Bastards have joked about playing ‘Tag’ again someday but with all of us being “grown-up” now I doubt it.

Maybe when we are all retired and need something to do we’ll play again. Or then again- maybe that’s when we’ll take up “skitchin’” again.

But that’s another story!

At least I had a BLAST! I couldn't be happer...

Sunday, June 6, 2010

I recognized everybody...We hugged...we talked...we ate really pretty well...and I think there was at least one cocktail. 
and our waiter was kind of cute...Cathy, Lesli, and I just giggled
when he asked us what we were up to last night; hopefully that made us "mysterious".

In attendance were the following lovely women:

Cathy @ Antsy Pants
Lesli @ Pretty Random Thoughts
WhiskeyMarie Von PartyPants @WhiskeyMarie
& MNMom @Happy To Be From Iowa, who brought Twin Two to take pictures! 
I cannot wait to see those and this is one lovely young woman - good job Mom!
OH - and me.

We talked about a lot of things - mostly how amazing social media is for bringing us all together to realize how much we have in common.  That most people are not extreeme - and we have very similar tastes in blog reading (and unfollowing) AND views on giving credit where credit is due in our own posts. 

I cannot wait to dig into their blog rolls for some of the bloggers they talked about - and I know there are a couple of bloggers I recommended.  (psst.  They were The Daily Dose of Reality & That's Why - but MNMom and Whiskey know about Lisa!  Oh and I would also recommend Rants From Mommyland...)

But these are just a few of the bloggers I shared with the group...

And the stories! 
Twitter Kidney and Radio Boobies

I cannot wait to read what the other ladies had to say - of course I feel like I talked to much and was a huge dork...but that is me with people I have known for twenty years; let alone those I have been reading for a few years to a few weeks. 

It was nice to know I was not alone in a lot of things - like feeling overwhelmed by my Google Reader - and let me tell you what I noticed:

MNMom is one of the happiest people in her own skin I have met.  Can I be you when I grow up?
Cathy has great insights - and very mischevious eyes (in a sparkle good way)!  She took notes!  I really wanna know what she thinks- we also share A LOT of the same taste in blog reading!  Loved meeting you!
Lesli is so very sweet, thoughtful, and I can't wait to see her pictures too!  And could you BE any cuter?
Whiskey?  Well what can I say?  Everytime I thought about trying to find her when I was working downtown St. Paul I now wish I had...she is what you imagine, but more in a Meg Ryan than Courtney Love kind of way.  (That IS a compliment - it means you are fun and cozy to be around-my dad would approve & FYI, yours is the only blog he reads besides mine...)

If we don't do this again we will only have ourselves to blame...and I would be disappointed. 
and if you are in MN and did not join us,
you missed out. 
just sayin'
join us next time!

Boo Boo La La knows about stuff...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Do you ever wonder just HOW your child knows about something?  You never told them about Hannah Montana, but you walk through Target one morning when she is almost three and she sees a shirt and says, "Hanna Tanna!"

What the...?

Okay fast forward and we get a birthday invitation - at the top is a photo and Boo Boo exclaims:


we have never been, I have never talked about it, I don't even LIKE it.  how in the world?

But we went...and she was more interested in the climbing thing than the games or prizes.  Which is good because really?  Those games make no sense to little kids.  Drop in a coin and hit something so you get tickets? 

Really Chuck E.?  Really?  You can't make more actual GAMES?

But, Boo Boo says she loves is your proof.

Jordan's sister helped her take this because she said she loves you...

Mommy MIGHT be forced into decide to have Boo Boo's party there...

Anyrandompartynews.  Tonight is the NIGHT!!  If you are in MN and are free tonight you should join us! 

Who: Minnesota Bloggers
When: Saturday June 5th, 6pm
Where: MOA Napa Valley Grille
Why: Why not! We read each others blogs, so it would be fun to meet in person, no?!

Here are the ladies of hotness who are IN!

Cathy @ Antsy Pants
Mommy Lisa @ Mommy's Nest (but sorry - I am leaving Boo Boo home with T-bone.)
Lesli @ Pretty Random Thoughts
WhiskeyMarie Von PartyPants @WhiskeyMarie
Tarah @Eyeglasses & Endzones
MNMom @Happy To Be From Iowa
We will update the posts as new people RSVP - so comment today!

Cool Car Tales - 4th Trip!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

I am planning a WAY cool event with this lovely blogger.  If you are in MN and free on Saturday you should join us! 

Who: Minnesota Bloggers
When: Saturday June 5th, 6pm
Where: MOA Napa Valley Grille
Why: Why not! We read each others blogs, so it would be fun to meet in person, no?!

Please Meet Cathy!

Antsy Pants

An Anniversary Road Trip

Last summer my husband and I celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary by renting a car and exploring the coast of Maine. We had a fab time driving along the coast, staying at cute Bed & Breakfast's, eating fresh seafood and enjoying time together.

There's just something about exploring the country by car that is so fun! You can take the back roads if you want, or cruise along at top speed on the interstate. You can throw your luggage in the trunk and just move along to your next destination. You don't have to remove your shoes to get through airport security, instead you remove them to stick your feet in the sand of some beach you discovered. I find it freeing and spontaneous. I hope to take many more road trips to explore the country.

I'd like to share some of the sights we saw from our rental car last summer.

One of the first things we ran into was this intersection. I think there were 5 or 6 streets all coming together here. I looked at the stoplights and thought....this is crazy!

We drove across this bridge, which truly made me feel small.

Of course we stopped at a drive-in! This one was a classic. You flashed your lights to get the waitresses attention and they brought the food out on the tray that hooks to your window. We were loving it! Plus it was called Fat Boy, which we thought was hilarious!

We even drove up and down a mountain; Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park.

We ended our week long road trip by heading in to Boston to visit some friends.

It really was an excellent anniversary. Not sure yet what we'll do to top it, but I'm sure we'll think of something!

Cool Car Tales - 3rd Trip!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Today the PEEP visiting the nest to blog for Mommy Lisa is a dear person! 
READ HIS BLOG FOLKS - Steven has a huge heart!!! 

I think most people have fond memories of the first car they owned. Me

not so much. My first car broke my heart, it was a brown Toyota that

on my first night , it stopped working and never ran good again.

The car I fell in love with, and still have heart flutters to this day

while thinking of it was about the third car I owned. My bright shiny

red ford festiva.

I loved this car for so many reasons, first it was the first car I

ever bought on my own. It was red, and I could drive forever on 5

bucks of gas. And last but not least, it was the car my best friend

Betty and I lived in for a summer.

It was the end of the eighties, that strange time right before the

grunge movement took over. I had just traded my flock of seagulls hair

for a chin length bod that was died jet black to match my clothes and

eye liner (yes eyeliner, I looked fabulous) Betty and I had worked for

the past two years, her in a vets office, me cutting hair...we had

saved all our money. Our plan was to hit the road, no real plan just

see where the road took us.

We both gave our notice at work. Packed up what little we took in my

new Festiva and hit the road. We had tickets to a depeche mode concert

in Chicago...

We planned on attending the concert, then just following the road to

wherever. We arrived at the with the black hair, tight

rocker jeans(black) and my white pirate shirt(yes, like the Seinfeld

"puffy shirt") she , black hair...long black dress, red lips....both

of us sporting our eye liner.....the concert was amazing....I can

still hear the crowd singing in unison "It's your own personal Jesus"

We met this amazing girl, Kate that night. From the minute I met her I

knew I had to know her. Bleached hair, red lips, amazing eyes.....we

talked. She told us how she was headed to Cincinnati for the next DM

concert. Having no real plan, we decided to tag along. So we left Chi

town, the three of us headed to Cincinnati in search of the music.

The road trip was amazing, we laughed, talked...sang. We also found

out that a festiva is just not big enough for three adults. It was

like trying to live in a phone say crowded would be an

understatement. We arrived at the concert, it was amazing as

well....we lost Kate that night, she hooked up with two guys who had

decided to head out west.

We may have lost our new friend, but we had gained a plan, after the

concert both Betty and I looked at each other and said, lets just

follow around depeche mode for the summer! Without much more thought

than that, we got the concert schedule, jumped in the car and began

our adventure.

It was truly a time like no other. Betty and I had so many adventures

along the way....met so many amazing people, some I am still friends

with to this day. We became true independent thinkers that summer,

realizing that sometimes all you can do is follow your dream....

Things I learned that summer

1. Bucket seats, no matter how far they recline, are not a comfy place to sleep

2. The smell of two adults with no access to showers in a small car

can and will become overwhelming, causing you to pull off the road and

run into a field, just to shower under those giant sprinkler things

farmers use.

3. Farmers do not like it when two stinky strangers are running around

there fields "showering"

4. black hair un washed is not attractive

5. Friends, truly are the family we choose

6. People, strangers on the road can become the best of friends

7. never a good idea to wash your clothes in a gas station bathroom sink

8. said clothes don't dry well, while being worn

9. those same cloths smell like nothing you have ever smelled when

mixed with the smell of the un showered

10. depeche mode followers are the coolest people on the planet

11. a Ford festiva can out run a pack of crazy dogs on a old dirt road

while you are lost

12. I would so relive every moment of that summer if I could

MY friend Betty has passed on since that awesome summer...but her

memory lives on. When ever I hear a depeche mode song, whenever I see

eye liner in a store, whenever I see a old red ford festiva driving

down the road...

It was an amazing summer, a summer of adventure, of love, of true

friendship....self discovery and life lessons that can never be

forgotten....and none of that time could have happened if it had not

been for my first motor love....the wonderful, red, magic


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