What the heck is YOUR excuse?

Monday, November 30, 2009

Wonder what the fun is all about? Check it out with SupahMommy & MommyBrain.

Dear Readers,

Please excuse Mommy Lisa from the Monday MeME because:

  1. She spent Thanksgiving with her MIL

  2. She drove 2 hours with her daughter to see her Grandmother and Aunt & Uncle on Friday -

  3. just to return on Saturday

  4. Go shopping at Trader Joe's

  5. Make super fabulous lasagna

  6. Teach Sunday School

  7. Finish homework

  8. Take Boo boo la la to the Y to go swimming (on the FREE WEEKEND at the Y) AND THEN

  9. process end of month items and leave work in time to go to her mom's house for a FINAL round of Thankgsgiving...

Happy Cyber Monday my bloggy friends.

I know I am behind!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Forgive me for the late Friday video this week. I was out of town visiting my 96 year old grandmother with Boo Boo La La - but it lead to a discovery of this group

The Prototypes

I found their song "L'amour, L'amour, L'amour" on Amazon - and this "Je ne te connais pas" on YouTube.

You may not like it, but I find something so rebellious in pop songs sung in French. :)

I am thankful for...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Okay, I was going to let the family chime in, however..

  • The 16-year old asked for the keys to the car almostimmediatelyafterdinner - he just got his licence about a month ago, its still new.
  • The 17-year old is working - that's what you get with a job at Super Target! ;)
  • I am baking my first pie - the PUMPKIN.
  • The hubs has been entertaining boo boo la la all night, except for a quick run to the store for forgotten whip cream.
  • The hubs now has the boo boo in the tub.

Wow, that is a good list.

I am thankful that:

We have a responsible 16-year old who has nice friends, a car that he can borrow, a job for our 17-year old about to go to college, Super Target ;), a nice hubby, the "bunny store" down the street for forgotten items, a nice neighborhood, a warm house, running water, and a three-year old who is healthy and happy.

Good night, blueberry is next!

Sorry no post this week yet!

I have been working behind the scenes to update my blog's look - and FINALLY I made some choices that will be visible to all soon! ;) I am VERY excited.

Tonight we will do a family THANKFUL blog. I am sure Sair (17) and Jdogg (16) will be TOTALLY into it! ;)

Brushfire Records - FREE album on Amazon.com

Friday, November 20, 2009

It is friday and above is a nice video of a song that almost made me cry on the treadmill on Tuesday.

See I downloaded these awesome free tunes at Amazon.com about a month ago and had not heard all of them yet - shuffle on the iTouch - Zach Gill has a really nice deep comforting voice. But look at that face - it doesn't really match the hottie that he is...

The reason this song almost made me cry is that right now, and for only about another month and a half...I have a 3 year old and a 17 year old in my house.

It is exciting to watch them grow, but scary to let them go.

This morning I woke the three-year old up and she wrapped her arms around my neck and said,

"Mama? Can we have breakfas' on your flower thing?" (Trays and breakfast have been part of my life since I was little. MY mom and grandmother loved to make us trays. In fact the flower tray came from my mother!)

"Sure! Do you want cinnamon toast?"

"Yessss. An' joose an' banana."

"I have orange, apple, grapes. No banana."

"Grapes." and a smile as I scoop her into my bed to watch Sponge Bob while I go down to make the tray.

I took an extra 15-20 minutes at the house more than usual, but no fighting and we had fun. Even though the little stinker did eat my piece of cinnamon toast.

AND when I got on the road there was no traffic, so I got to the office *almost* the same time as normal.

AND when I got into our overcrowded ramp I *actually* found a spot.

Enjoy your Friday video and kick back my friends.

We all do it, but how do you FEEL about it?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Bloggers read a lot, watch a lot and write a lot.
That is our nature and if it wasn't - we would not blog.

We get inspiration from websites, television, radio, etc. And we tell our readers where our inspiration came from - quite often we don't have to because it is news.

But, what if you are inpired by another blogger? Who knows unless they follow the same blogs that you follow? Do YOU give credit back for inspiration?
Even if my post goes an entirely different direction, I try to give credit for the inspiration.

I really want to know - what do you think?

Should you always share your inspiration?

Ah, the days as a little sister at Sigma Nu...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

When I was at the University of Minnesota (Gooooooo, GOPHERS!) I was a little sister at Sigma Nu with my friend Sarah Merck - I hardly ever called her Sarah, she was - and still is to me - MERCK!

Being a little sister meant that you could hang out at the house - and they had an excellent television room right on the main floor with comfy couches. I would plop there after class and watch...


This was the best show that EVER EVER EVER appeared on MTV.

My Super Sweet Sixteen? Give me a break.

16 and Pregnant? GO AWAY!!!

Remote Control was the BEST SHOW EVER.

I was very sad to hear yesterday that the host, Ken Ober, had passed away.

You may be wondering and thinking - Oh he has not been doing anything and I bet he died of a drug overdose - or suicide.

Nope. He was recently producing for "The New Adventures of Old Christine." The report here indicates he may have died from the flu. He also was doing a lot of writing.


He will surely be missed.

So watch this and be amazed at his ability to control this crazy, fun, super show.

The one with NO stickies...sorry.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Entering this contest is easy and fun. Just answer and post the meme below on your blog and send us the link. (Don’t have a blog, no problem! You can post this as a note in Facebook and send us the link too.)

To participate you must include all of the text, including the links, in bold below:

Mama’s Holiday Wish List Meme
TodaysMama and Provo Craft are giving away a sleighful of gifts this holiday season and to enter I’m sharing this meme with you.

1. What 5 items are on your holiday wish list this year? Peace on Earth, Goodwill Toward Men & Women, A Partidge in a Pear Tree, Joy to The World, and a winning Powerball ticket.

2. What is your favorite handmade gift you have received? The colorings my Boo Boo gives me daily to put up "..at your work Mama."

3. What handmade gift have you always wanted to tackle? WILL be tackling a pillow from an old bridesmaid dress...my mother kept it from my cousin's wedding. I was Maid of Honor, but my cousin passed away about two months later...we were the same age.

4. What was the best Christmas gift you received as a child? I would say, My Brother, but that would be too silly~! ;) Probably the year I got a cool orange sled with brakes and an Atari.

5. What items are on your kid’s wish list this year? "Camping Barbie, Camping Boy Barbie, Camping Little Girl Barbie and Barbie Camper Mama!"

6. What is your favorite holiday food? Cranberry sauce from my great-grandma's recipe.

7. What will you be hand-crafting for the holidays? Pillows.

8. What is your favorite holiday movie? Love Actually - mmmm, Hugh Grant.

9. Favorite holiday song? O Come All Ye Faithful - OR - Santa Baby

10. Favorite holiday pastime? Cuddling on the couch with my mom, dad, hubby, and child on Christmas Morning after all the presents have been opened - watching all the new movies. The only thing that would make it PERFECT is if my step-kids could be there too, but they have to spend SOME time with their mom and step-dad. ;)

Click here to see an example.

Send us a link to your post via email with “Wish List Meme” in the subject line. You can even tag a few friends to participate in the meme. (Spread that holiday cheer!)

Thanks to all of our generous sponsors that helped make Mama’s Holiday Wishlist possible!

Thanks for the memories...

Monday, November 16, 2009

This post inspired by MNMom...love her.

When I was a girl I got to stay up REALLY late with my mom and watch old movies and series on PBS, including Masterpiece Theatre.
I was totally in love with Fred Astaire in Daddy Long Legs & was charmed at every moment by Bob Hope in ANY movie, or his television specials.

For a long time after I met T-Bone I could not put my finger on who he looked like - until I saw a profile like this...then it was clear.

I married Bob Hope.

The one where we Fight over "The Boyfriend".

Friday, November 13, 2009

I know SOMEONE who will get a kick out of this video, but I saw him first! ;)

The one where I wonder: "How many things will I miss?"

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

This was last year's raking of the leaves with Daddy...

This was 2007 - the day before our Anniversary.

I do not have a video of 2006 because she was not walking yet.

And then there is 2009. What do I have to show for 2009? Nothing. No cute video of my sweet Boo Boo La La playing in the leaves with Daddy...I am so sad.

Daddy and Boo Boo raked and played while Mommy was at work late. Should I be working late? Or playing outside with my baby?


(p.s.) right before I posted this I noticed yesterday marked my 400th post. I miss everything these days...

Here is to 401!

The one where I write over ... here.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Today I reviewed something I had been LUSTING after since I saw the first coupon for it.

I could not find it in any grocery store though...it was weird.

Then T-bone brought some home from the company store - and I got to try both Creme Caramel and Chocolate Raspberry - now I LOVE the Yoplait Whips Chocolate Rasperry Mousse (and all the sinful new dessert flavors of fat free Yoplait), so I had high hopes...

High hopes that were DASHED. Yoplait Delights are no delight.

not worth the effort to look for or purchase. sorry.

The one where I steal GOOP from Gwyneth.

Monday, November 9, 2009

It's time to dump your dull duds & sassafras your wardrobe!

Supah and I just handed you a big, phat (and very phake)
VISA gift card* with your name all over it.

Now, go spend it ... in the first evah,

All About MEme Shopping Spree-Spree!

Shop 'til you Drop and buy - you guessed it - FIVE new items of clothing, accessories, shoes ... something you put on your hot little bod! Tell us what you "bought" in words, photos, links, ... you decide.

"It doesn't matter what you wear
Just as long as you are there! "

*Just clarifying - for legal purposes and what-not - that the aforementioned gift card is not real. Please do not send your credit card bills to either MommyBrain or SupahMommy. We're just as dough-challenged and cash-strapped as the next SAHM ;) But please feel free to spend on this spree as if it were someone else's money ... just not ours ... for shizzle.

* join us
* make a post- grab our meme button or shopping spree pic
* come back here paste in your posts direct URL and your name into LInky
* comment on the two above you and 1 below you if you can
* leave some comment love and grow your blog

Sue ME girls, I could not keep it to five because:

(give me everything below please, damn you Goop!)

- I am a raving online window-shop-aholic. I seek out cool and trendy stuff and then try to find it cheap online or in real-life. I cut stuff out of magazines and keep a folder of...


Seriously, my window-shop-aholic disease is CRAZY. But, does not cost me anything but a few hours surfing and magazine subscriptions.

Gwyneth Paltrow made it WORSE with her damn post about her Uniform...because it is EXACTLY what I would want for myself if I were:

a) that thin

b) that rich

Damn her cute trouser jeans and coat - except THIS look I have in a different color - dark trouser jeans and a recent find (Saturday at Marshall's for a blessed shopping day without Boo Boo La la) deep turquoise "Live A Little" jacket...LOVE IT! at 18.99!!

Ah - CASHMERE TRENCH AND RIDING BOOTS? Thank you, I will take it...

These booties seriously are calling for Mommy Lisa's feet.

Uh- HELLO! This is a perfect, "I am so rich that I sit on the board of your charity and can show up looking all 'artsy-cool' and no one will say sh++ to me about it. I am THAT fabulous."

Now the cat is out of the bag why there are abandoned shopping carts all over the internet. Mommy Lisa is to blame - sorry marketing people trying to up your surf-to-purchase ratio - when I win Powerball I will help fix that. ;)

November's Good Shopping Deed

Sunday, November 8, 2009

I get emails from Envirosax - I am their friend on Facebook - I write about them all the time.

And now they are helping a cause that I find has touched some of my blogging friends. Having to give up pets because they have lost their home.

You are shopping for the holiday season already, right?

Why not participate by purchasing a set of bags for your Aunt or your Mother who you never know what to buy? Perhaps a socially conscious brother-in-law? Whomever!

Here is what Envirosax will do:

During the month of November, Envirosax is proud to donate $1 from the sale of every Graphic Series pouch (set of 5 bags, shown below) sold on the Envirosax website to the ASPCA®.
Recently there has been an alarming rise in reports concerning animals that have been left behind to starve or fend for themselves in empty foreclosed homes. Once discovered and taken to local shelters, many of these “foreclosure pets" are in desperate need of medical care.
Animal shelters nationwide depend on donations to help cover medical costs and provide food and shelter. Recently, donations have dwindled due to the recession and many of the shelters have been forced to cut holding periods from six days to three after which the animals are put down.
Not only are Envirosax pouches an affordable gift idea for the Holidays, proceeds from each sale of these select products will go towards providing food, medical care, and hopefully give abandoned pets a second chance at finding loving homes.


If you purchase a set let me know! I want to personally thank you. ;)

Happy Sunday!


Friday, November 6, 2009

Last weekend this movie was on TBS - (stands for The Best Shit on Television).

I love it for a few reasons:

  1. Hugh Grant
  2. Drew Barrymore
  3. 80's pop - even fake - I graduated in 1985, so 'nuff said
  4. A jane-schmo gets a chance to write for a living. Heck, if I could make money writing case studies I would do it.

Wang Chung my babies, wang chung.

Random Stories and Re-postings

Thursday, November 5, 2009

I did not sleep very well last night. I woke up at 1:01am, 2:18am, 3:02am, and 4:12am. At which point I got out of bed and got dressed to make it to the Y by 5...

I get to the Y and get on a cross-trainer with my text book and headphones and am blissfully working out and learning (I learn/comprehend better when I am in motion - there is a term for it, but I forget) and an older gentleman starts to get on the cross-trainer next to me.

SIGH. Do you NOT know the rules? There are THREE machines to the right of me and FOUR to the left. DUDE, I do not care how charming you are with your "Good Morning!". LEARN THE RULES for gym ettiquette!
However, the rest of my morning has been awesome:
  1. Boo Boo La la did not fight me getting dressed and got on her own hat, mittens and shoes.
  2. I got a Grande when I paid for a Tall at Starbucks...mmmm Peppermint Mocha - do not judge I still am only at 1-3 caffiene drinks per week.
  3. I got a PRIMO parking spot in the ramp.
  4. A nice lady held the elevator for me.

Last night - oh last night. It was my anniversary you know. NINE YEARS with the T-bone. He had a Union Meeting and since he is the VP he HAD to be there.
I was home alone with the kids and after dinner both the older ones abandoned me and Boo Boo. So, I gave her a bath, we cuddled, played, and I put her in bed.

About 20 minutes later she comes running in and crying...

"Mama, mama, I got my kleenex stuck in my nose."

I pick her up and look - "I do not see anything sweetie."

"It is UP there! "
And points to the spot between her nostril and bridge of her nose...YIKES! What to do?????
I calmly...yes, calmly...lay her flat on the bed tip her head back and ask her for sure, "Which nostril."

She points to the right one and says, "IT HURTS MOMMY!"

I grab the saline at the bedside and spray some up there, sit her up, cover her mouth and left nostril and say...


She does and out pops a wad of kleenex this big - No joke!

Hubby came home shortly afterward. I explained the excitement - he said the appropriate "Ewww." to the size of the kleenex wad that landed on my shirt and then we just relaxed.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

SupahMommy and MommyBrain say: Copy that button UP TOP THERE(on Supah's site)..and stick it somewhere on your post to help link others back to us!

Go here and post your link on the MR. Linky.

Visit the two people above you and one below if you can and give them some comment love. This is how you grow your blog and get new followers.

If you get a comment from someone participating... be sure to return the favor!

Today I did not have ROOM for what I needed to say on one little post-it,
so I made my own special Halloween Post-It:

MEME Monday - Inspiration Point - hubba hubba.

Monday, November 2, 2009

This week SupahMommy and MommyBrain want you to either;
a: feed us some good details about you and your significant other's love life
b. take a load off and hand over your assignment to someone special

CHOICE A. Inspiration Point

Tell about:

1. A time you got 'caught' in the midst of inspiration point.

2. What is it about your significant other that makes your emoticon wink wink?
( push through the irritation over the dirty socks on the couch- u can do it!)

3. Do you have a funny story about a time when your saucy-time .. went array?


Inspiration Points

Your significant other or your BFF ( OR someone who knows you) to finish some , one or all of these phrases ( listed below) about you.

Their choice.

See if you can post it without reading it. So that it can be a inspiring surprise for next Monday.
However - I followed MommyBrain and am re-telling the tale of the night we met!

Imagine June 1999 - it is HOT and HUMID in Minnesota and my brother, my buddy Kyle Ann and I decide we need some cold beers and sweaty singing. We head up to NordEast to hang at a place called Arrones -- not sure I would go there anymore, but at the time the bartender Mike* and the Karaoke chick were tons of fun --

I was wearing (or it was stuck to me) a cute Target grey tank top with blue flowers on it and these army green cargo pants I got at Abercrombie & Fitch. One day I hope to fit back into those things...the pants, I mean.

We sit on one side of the bar, Mike* gives us a cold one, and we begin to pick out our songs. If I remember accurately I probably sang (forgive me):
But, wait! There at the "mic" is a cute guy in polo and shorts - and he is SINGING "Pretty Woman" ....I wonder if he will do the... Oh yeah, he can growl like Roy Orbison, SWEET!
I lean into Kyle Ann and say,

L - There is my boyfriend.
KA - HE's too old.
L - Too old for you maybe. Remember I have a few years on ya babe.
Brother Pete- HEY, should I go get my "Chocolate Salty Balls" cd and sing that?

Polo shirt and shorts finishes singing and starts to work his way around the bar to where we are sitting and gets halted by "Trucker Girl" wanting him to play pool.

L- Bitch, get away from my boyfriend.
KA - You need another drink.
FINALLY about midnight Polo shirt sits at the barstool next to mine -being the smooth chick I am I lean over toward him and say -
"You're cute, what is your name?"
Yes folks that is how I met the madman I am married to...he will say he sang the song because HE saw me first, I buy that, but he will also say that he TALKED to me first and that is a
bold-faced lie.
Just ask Kyle Ann, she was there. Unless she had too many Long Islands that night. ;)
* God bless Mike wherever you are!!(he died a few years ago, we went to the funeral. THAT is how charming this bartender was.)

p.s. the line I used on my hubby worked EVERY TIME. Single? Use it tonight!

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